Joanna Piwowarczyk

Climate and Ocean Research and Education Unit
Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
Powstańców Warszawy 55
81-712 Sopot


  • Participatory approaches to marine governance;
  • stakeholders roles in decision-making processes;
  • cultural ecosystem services and their valuation methodologies;
  • behavioural change to support sustainability in marine and coastal areas;
  • marine spatial planning and MPA governance.


  • MSc in Management, Faculty of Management, University of Gdańsk, Poland (2002)
  • Short-term research stays (for example: National University of Ireland Galway, 4 weeks; Stanford University, 2 weeks; Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 1 week; University of Mary Washington, 1 week;)
  • Short courses (for example ‘A sustainable Baltic Region’, ‘Integrated assessment of ecosystem services: From theory to practice’, ‘Training Course on Valuation Methodologies for the Marine Environment’)


Polish Economic Society Award for the best master thesis in 2002


  • Marine Board Communication Panel (since 2010)
  • Member of EuroMarine Steering Committee (since 2016)
  • Member of COST Action IS1403 ‘Oceans Past Platform (OPP)’ Management Committee (since 2016)
  • Member of COST Action CA15121 ‘Advancing marine conservation in the European and contiguous seas (MarCons)’ Management Committee (since 2016)
  • Vice-leader of Working Group 6 – ‘Governance of Marine Protected Areas’ – of COST Action CA15121 ‘Advancing marine conservation in the European and contiguous seas (MarCons)’


  • 2019-2021 - “LAND-Sea-Act - Land-sea interactions advancing Blue Growth in Baltic Sea coastal areas” (Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2014 – 2020)
  • 2018-2021 - “ACCESS - De-icing of Arctic Coasts: Critical or new opportunities for marine biodiversity and Ecosystem Services” (National Science Centre, Poland)
  • 2018-2021 - “ADAMANT - Arctic benthic ecosystems under change: the impact of deglaciation and boreal species transportation by macroplastic” (National Science Centre, Poland)
  • 2013-2017 - “COMMON SENSE – Cost-effective sensors, interoperable with international existing ocean observation systems, to meet EU policy requirements” (EU FP7); leader of WP1 - Current and comprehensive understanding of in-situ ocean observing systems and EU legislation.
  • 2011-2015 - “VECTORS – Vectors of change in oceans and seas marine life, impact on economic sectors” (EU FP7).
  • 2012-2015 - “SFS - Sea for Society” (EU FP7).
  • 2012-2015 - “GAME - Growing of the Arctic Marine Ecosystem” (Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education); sub-task leader: indicators of goods and services provided by Arctic Ecosystem.


  1. Piwowarczyk J, Matczak M, Rakowski M, Zaucha J (2019) Challenges for integration of the Polish fishing sector into marine spatial planning (MSP): do fishers and planners tell the same story? Ocean and Coastal Management 181, 104917.
  2. Piwowarczyk J, Gee K, Gilek M, Hassler B, Luttmann A, Maack L, Matczak M, Morff A, Saunders F, Stalmokaitė I, Zauchae J (2019) Insights into integration challenges in the Baltic Sea Region marine spatial planning: Implications for the HELCOM-VASAB principles. Ocean and Coastal Management 125: 98-109.
  3. Morf A, Moodie J, Gee K, Giacometti A, Kull M, Piwowarczyk J, Schiele K, Zaucha J, Kellecioglu I, Luttmann A, Strand H (2019) Towards sustainability of marine governance: Challenges and enablers for stakeholder integration in transboundary marine spatial planning in the Baltic Sea. Ocean and Coastal Management 177: 200-212.
  4. Hassler B, Blažauskas N, Gee K, Luttmann A, Morf A, Piwowarczyk J, Saunders F, Stalmokaitė I, Strand H, Zaucha J (2019) New generation EU directives, sustainability, and the role of transnational coordination in Baltic Sea maritime spatial planning. Ocean and Coastal Management 169: 254-263.
  5. Morf A, Kull M, Piwowarczyk J, Gee K. (2019) Towards the ladder of marine/maritime spatial planning participation. In: Zaucha J, Gee K (eds.) Maritime Spatial Planning, Palgrave-Macmillian: 219-244.
  1. Ciołek D, Matczak M, Piwowarczyk J, Rakowski M, Szefler K, Zaucha J (2018) The perspective of Polish fishermen on maritime spatial planning. Ocean and Coastal Management 166: 113-124.
  2. Börger T, Böhnke-Henrichs A, Hattam C, Piwowarczyk J, Schasfoort F, Austen MC (2018) The role of interdisciplinary collaboration for stated preference methods to value marine environmental goods and ecosystem services. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science: 201: 14-151.
  3. Delpiazzo E, Eboli F, Fernandes JA, Hamon KG, Hattam C, Loureirog M, Nunes PALD, Piwowarczyk J, Schasfoort FE, Simons SL, Walker AN (2016) Economic impacts of marine ecological change: Review and recent contributions of the VECTORS project on European marine waters Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science: 201: 14-151.
  4. McHugh P, Domegan C, Mazzonetto M, Duane S, Joyce J, Devaney M, Hogan M, Broome BJ, Piwowarczyk J (2018) Seas of energy: using a systems research approach for a wicked problem. In: Hastings G, Domegan C (eds.) Social marketing: rebels with a cause, Routledge: 329-338.
  1. Buhl-Mortensen L, Galparsoro I, Fernández T V, Johnson K, D'Anna D, Badalamenti F, Garofalo G, Carlström J, Piwowarczyk J, Rabaut M, Vanaverbeke J, Schipper C, van Dalfsen J, Vassilopoulou V, Issaris Y, van Hoof L, Pecceu E, Hostens K, Pace ML, Knittweis L, Stelzenmüller V, Todorova V, Doncheva V (2017) Maritime ecosystem-based management in practice: Lessons learned from the application of a generic spatial planning framework in Europe, Marine Policy 75: 174-186.
  2. Węsławski JM, Andrulewicz E, Boström C, Horbowy J, Linkowski T, Matilla J, Olenin S, Piwowarczyk J, Skóra K (2017) Ecosystem goods, services and management. In: Snoeijs-Leijonmalm P, Schubert H, Radziejewska T (eds.) Biological Oceanography of the Baltic Sea, Springer: 609-644.
  1. Piwowarczyk J, Wróbel B (2016) Determinants of legitimate governance of marine Natura 2000 sites in a post-transition European Union country: A case study of Puck Bay, Poland, Marine Policy 71:310-317.
  2. Börger T, Piwowarczyk J (2016) Assessing non-market benefits of seagrass restoration in the Gulf of Gdańsk, Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, 3 (1), doi:
  3. Domegan C, McHugh P, Devaney M, Duane S, Hogan M, Broome BJ, Layton RA, Joyce J, Mazzonetto M, Piwowarczyk J (2016) Systems-thinking social marketing: conceptual extensions and empirical investigations, Journal of Marketing Management, doi:
  1. Hattam C, Atkins JP, Beaumont N, Bӧrger T, Bӧhnke-Henrichs A, Burdon, de Groot R, Hoefnagele E, Nunes ALDP, Piwowarczyk J, Sastre S, Austen MC (2015) Marine ecosystem services: Linking indicators to their classification, Ecological Indicators, 49: 61-75.
  2. Stelzenmüller V, Fernández TV, Cronin K, Röckmann K, Pantazi M, Vanaverbeke J, Stamford T, Hostens K, Pecceu E, Degraer S, Buhl-Mortensen L, Carlström J, Galparsoro I, Johnson K, Piwowarczyk J, Vassilopoulou V, Jak R, Pace ML, van Hoof L (2015) Assessing uncertainty associated with the monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas, Marine Policy, 51: 151-162.
  1. Meier HEM, Andersson HC, Arheimer B, Donnelly C, Eilola K, Gustafsson BG, Kotwicki L, Neset T-S, Niiranen S, Piwowarczyk J, Savchuk OP, Schenk F, Węsławski JM, Zorita E (2014) Ensemble Modeling of the Baltic Sea Ecosystem to Provide Scenarios for Management, AMBIO, 43:37–48.
  1. Piwowarczyk J, Kronenberg J, Dereniowska MA (2013) Marine ecosystem services in urban areas: Do the strategic documents of Polish coastal municipalities reflect their importance? Landscape and Urban Planning, 109: 85– 93.
  2. Węsławski JM, Kryla-Straszewska L, Piwowarczyk J, Urbański J, Warzocha J, Kotwicki L, Włodarska-Kowalczuk M, Wiktor J (2013) Habitat modelling limitations, Puck Bay, Baltic Sea – a case study. Oceanologia, 55: 167-183.
  3. Stelzenmüller V, Breen P, Thomsen F, Badalamenti F, Borja A, Buhl-Mortensen L, Carlstöm J, D’Anna G, Dankers N, Degraer S, Dujin M, Fiorentino F, Galparsoro I, Gristina M, Johnson K, Jones PJS, Katsanevakis S, Knittweis L, Kyrriazi R, Pipitone C, Piwowarczyk J, Rabaut M, Sorensen T, van Dalfsen J, Vassilopoulou V, Vega T, Vincx M, Vöge S, Weber A, Wijkmark N, Jak R, Qiu W, ter Hofstede R (2013) Monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas: A generic framework for implementation of ecosystem based marine management and its application, Marine Policy, 37: 149-164.
  4. Wróbel B, Filippini M, Piwowarczyk J, Kędra M, Kuliński K, Middelboe M (2013) Low virus to prokaryote ratios in the cold: benthic viruses and prokaryotes in a subpolar marine ecosystem (Hornsund, Svalbard), International Microbiology, 16(1): 45-52.
  1. Piwowarczyk J, Hansson A, Hjerpe M, Chubarenko B, Karmanov K (2012) Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region: A Cross-Country Analysis of Institutional Stakeholder Perceptions, AMBIO, 41:645–655.
  2. Meier MHE, Andersson HC, Arheimer B, Blenckner T, Chubarenko B, Donnelly C, Eilola K, Gustafsson BG, Hansson A, Havenhand J, Höglund A, Kuznetsov I, MacKenzie BR, Müller-Karulis B, Neumann T, Niiranen S, Piwowarczyk J, Raudsepp U, Reckermann M, Ruoho-Airola T, Savchuk OP, Schenk F, Schimanke S, Väli G, Węsławski JM, Zorita E (2012) Comparing reconstructed past variations and future projections of the Baltic Sea ecosystem—first results from multi-model ensemble simulations, Environ. Res. Lett. 7 034005, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/3/034005.
  1. Wróbel B, Piwowarczyk J (2011) Management and representation of biological data, Prace i Materiały Wydziału Zarządzania UG, Zeszyty Naukowe nr 3: 121-123.
  1. Węsławski JM, Urbański J, Kryla-Straszewska L, Andrulewicz E, Linkowski T, Kuzebski E, Meissner W, Otremba Z, Piwowarczyk J (2010) The different uses of sea space in Polish Marine Areas: is conflict inevitable? Oceanologia, 52: 513-530.
  1. Węsławski JM, Warzocha J, Wiktor J, Urbański, J, Bradtke K, Kryla L, Tatarek A, Kotwicki L, Piwowarczyk J (2009) Biological valorisation of the southern Baltic Sea (Polish Exclusive Economic Zone), Oceanologia, 51: 415-435.

  1. Smoła Z, Węsławski JM, Kotwicki L, Bałazy P, Andrulewicz E, Piwowarczyk J (2014) Podmorski Ogród Gdyni. Planowany morski rezerwat: poradnik użytkownika. Instytut Oceanologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Sopocie, Sopot, 48 pp.
  2. Szczucka J, Piwowarczyk J, Błachowiak-Samołyk K, Stempniewicz L (2011) How Little auks link the ocean & the Svalbard tundra at a time of changing climate. Ocean Challenge, Vol. 18, Winter 2011.
  3. Węsławski JM, Kotwicki L, Grzelak K, Piwowarczyk J, Sagan I, Nowicka K, Marzejon I (2011). Przemysł turystyczny i przyroda morska na Półwyspie Helskim, Wstępna ocena wpływu turystyki i przemysłu rekreacyjnego na wartości naturalne przybrzeżnego ekosystemu morskiego na przykładzie półwyspu helskiego
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