



Selected research projects

  • CLIP "Określenie wpływu zmian klimatu na skład fitoplanktonu w fiordach zachodniego Spitsbergenu na podstawie pigmentów w osadach" (2017-2019) PRELUDIUM 11 NCN Nr 2016/21/N/ST10/03240.
  • CLISED – “Climate Change Impact on Ecosystem Health - Marine Sediment Indicators” (2014-2017), This project is funded from Norway Grants in the Polish-Norwegian Research Programme operated by the National Centre for Research and Development.
  • WAB - "Wetlands, Algae and Biogas - A southern Baltic Sea Eutrophication Counteract Project" (2010-2012) South Baltic Programme (WTPB.02.01.00-92-005/09-00)
  • Project No 11/2006 PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) & CNR (Italian National
    Research Council) in cooperation with University of Venice, Department of Environmental Sciences (2007-2009) "Universal markers of environmental pollution - comparison of Gulf of Gdańsk and Venice Lagoon"
  • CosCo - "Regional cycle development through coastal cooperation - sea grass and algae focused" - INTERREG IIIC 2N00251 (2004-2006)
  • SedNet - European Sediment Research Network (2002-2004) FP5, (Contract No EVK1- CT-2001-20002) Working Group 2, Contaminant behaviour and fate
  • MISPEC - Multiparametric in-situ Spectroscopic Measuring System for Coastal
    Monitoring (2001-2004), 5FP (Contract No EVK3-CT-2000-00045)
  • BASYS - "Baltic Sea System Study" (1996-99), MAST III (Contract No MAS3-CT960058)