2021 - Professor title,
Discipline: Earth Sciences, awarded by President of Poland
2016 - Habilitation,
Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, Poland
Discipline: Earth Sciences, in field of Oceanology
2004 - Institute of Oceanology of the Polsih Academy of Sciences, Sopot
Doctoral Studies, Marine Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
Discipline: Earth Sciences, in field of Oceanology
1998 - University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Biology, Oceanography and Geografphy, Gdynia, Poland
Master Studies
Field: oceanography
Specialization: marine biology
Heavy and trace metals behaviour in biological material and sediments.
Biogeochemical modelling of metal cycles.
Data processing and database management.
Dumped munitions impact on marine environment.
Climate change influence on heavy and trace metals geochemical cycles.
Polar environment element cycles.
MUNIMAP EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme ‘Baltic Sea Munitions Remediation Roadmap’ – project coordinator
EROVMUS MarTERA ERA-NET Cofund "Enhanced Remote Operated Vehicle Interface for Munition Studies" – the leading partner of the Polish part
AMMOTRACE MarTera ERA-NET COFUND „Exploration of ammunition using surface and underwater laser mass spectrometry” – the leading partner of the Polish part
PROBANNT MarTera ERA-NET COFUND „Professional intelligent ammunition assessment using 3D reconstruction and Bayesian neural networks” – the leading partner of the Polish part
MINIMA NCN OPUS 17 „Macrobenthic organisms as an indicator of mercury sources in the Antarctic coastal zone (Admiralty Bay)” – principal investigator
CONTRA EU Baltic Sea Region Programme Interreg „Baltic Brach Wrack – Conversion of a Nuisance To a Resource and Asset” – principal investigator
DAIMON2 EU Baltic Sea Region Programme Interreg „Decision Aid for Marine Munitions – Practical Applications” – project coordinator
NCN Preludium 11 ”Arsenic speciation in the southern Baltic Sea” – participant
RECLAIM NCN OPUS 7 „Remobilization of mercury from land to the sea due to intense meteorological-hydrological phenomena” – participant
DAIMON EU Baltic Sea Region Programme Interreg „Decision Aid for Marine Munitions” – project coordinator
MODUM NATO Science for Peace and Security „Towards Monitoring of Dumpred Munitions Threat” – project coordinator
AQUILO National Centre for Research and Development „Development of the selection method of the offshore wind turbine support structure for polish maritime areas” - participant
CHEMSEA EU Baltic Sea Region Programme Interreg „ Chemical Munition Search and Assessment” – project coordinator
ZSPDO, POIG, Innovate Economy EU Project „Integrated project for oceanographic data management” - participant
Baltic-C BONUS+ „Building predictive capability regarding the Baltic Sea organic/inorganic carbon and oxygen systems”– participant
AMBER BONUS+ „Assessment and Modelling Baltic Ecosystem Response”– participant
CARBOOCEAN EU FP6 „Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment” – participant
BASYS FP5 „Baltic Sea System Study” – participant
Sanderson H., Czub M., Jakacki J., Koschinski S., Tougaard J., Sveegaard S., Frey T., Fauser P., Bełdowski J., Beck A.J., Pzyborski A., Olejnik A., Szturomski B., Kicinski R., 2023. Environmental impact of the explosion of the Nord Stream pipelines. Scientific Reports 13, 19923. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-47290-7
Fauser P., Czub M.J., Bełdowski J., Niemikoski H., Vanninen P., Popiel S., Nawała J., Dziedzic D., Sanderson H., 2023. Chemical warfare agents and their risk assessment in Daphnia magna and fish in the Baltic Sea – 15 years of measurements. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances 12, 100386. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hazadv.2023.100386
Wilczynski W., Brzeziński T., Maszczyk P., Ludew A., Czub M.J., Dziedzic D., Nawala J., Popiel S., Bełdowski J., Sanderson H., Radlinska M., 2023. Acute toxicity of organoarsenic chemical warfare agents to Danio rerio embryos. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 262, 115116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2023.115116
Korejwo E., Panasiuk A., Wawrzynek-Borejko J., Jędruch A., Bełdowski J., Paturej A., Bełdowska M., 2023. Mercury concentrations in Antarctic zooplankton with a focus on the krill species, Euphausia superba. Science of the Total Environment 905, 167239. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167239
Szubska M., Bełdowski J., 2023. Spatial distribution of arsenic in surface sediments of the southern Baltic Sea. Oceanologia 65, 423–433. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceano.2022.12.002
Korejwo E., Saniewska D., Bełdowski J., Balazy P., Saniewski M., 2022. Mercury concentration and speciation in benthic organisms from Isfjorden, Svalbard. Marine Pollution Bulletin 184, 114115. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxics10050206
Graca B., Jędruch A., Bełdowska M., Bełdowski J., Kotwicki L., Siedlewicz G., Korejwo E., Popińska W., Łukawska-Matuszewska K., 2022. Effects of beach wrack on the fate of mercury at the land-sea interface – a preliminary study. Environmental Pollution 315, 120394. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxics10050206
Bełdowska M., Bełdowski J., Kwasigroch U., Szubska M., Jędruch A., 2022. Coastal cliff erosion as a source of toxic, essential, and nonessential metals in the marine environment. Oceanologia 64, 553-566. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxics10050206
Wilczynski W., Radlinska M., Wysujack K., Czub M., Brzeziński T., Kowalczyk G., Bełdowski J., Nogueira P., Maszczyk P., 2022. Metagenomic Analysis of the Gastrointestinal Microbiota of Gadus morhua callarias L. Originating from a Chemical Munition Dump Site. Toxics 10, 206. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxics10050206
Saniewska D., Bełdowska M., Szymczak E., Kuliński K., Bełdowski J., Voss M., Pryputniewicz-Flis D., Burska D., 2022. Processes affecting the transformation of mercury in the coastal zone in the vicinity of two river mouths in the southern Baltic Sea. Marine Chemistry 238, 104065. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2021.104065
Reckermann M., Omstedt A., Soomere T., Aigars J., Akhtar N., Bełdowska M., Bełdowski J., Cronin T., Czub M., Eero M., Hyytiäinen K.P., Jalkanen J.-P., Kiessling A., Kjellström E., Kuliński K., Larsén X.G., McCrackin M., Meier H.E.M., Oberbeckmann S., Parnell K., Pons-Seres de Brauwer C., Poska A., Saarinen J., Szymczycha B., Undeman E., Wörman A., Zorita E., 2022. Human impacts and their interactions in the Baltic Sea region. Earth System Dynamics 13, 1-80. https://doi.org/10.5194/esd-13-1-2022
Matej-Łukowicz K., Wojciechowska E., Strycharz J., Szubska M., Kuliński K., Bełdowski J., Winogradow A., 2021. Can Bottom Sediments Be a Prospective Fertilizing Material? A Chemical Composition Analysis for Potential Reuse in Agriculture. Materials 14, 7685. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14247685
Rudovica V., Rotter A., Gaudêncio S.P., Novoveská L., Akgül F., Akslen-Hoel L.K., Alexandrino D.A.M., Anne O., Arbidans L., Atanassova M., Bełdowska M., Bełdowski J., Bhatnagar A., Bikovens O., Bisters V., Carvalho M.F., Catalá T.S., Dubnika A., Erdoğan A., Ferrans L., Haznedaroglu B.Z., Setyobudi R.H., Graca B., Grinfelde I., Hogland W., Ioannou E., Jani Y., Kataržytė M., Kikionis S., Klun K., Kotta J., Kriipsalu M., Labidi J., Lukić B.L., Martínez-Sanz M., Oliveira J., Ozola-Davidane R., Pilecka-Ulcugaceva J., Pospiskova K., Rebours C., Roussis V., López-Rubio A., Safarik I., Schmieder F., Stankevica K., Tamm T., Tasdemir D., Torres C., Varese G.C., Vincevica-Gaile Z., Zekker I., Burlakovs J., 2021. Valorization of Marine Waste: Use of Industrial By-Products and Beach Wrack Towards the Production of High Added-Value Products. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 723333. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.723333
Chubarenko B., Woelfel J., Hofman J., Aldag S., Bełdowski J., Burlakovs J., Garrels T., Gorbunova J., Guizani S., Kupczyk A., Kotwicki L., Domnin D., Gajewska M., Hogland W., Kołecka K., Nielsen J., Schubert H., 2021. Converting beach wrack into a resource as a challenge for the Baltic Sea (an overview). Ocean & Coastal Management 200, 105413. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2020.105413
Frey, T., Bełdowski J., Maser, E. 2020. Explosive ordnance in the Baltic Sea: New Tools for decision makers. Journal of Conventional weapons destruction, 23.3, 44-48, https://commons.lib.jmu.edu/cisr-journal/vol23/iss3/11
Siedlewicz, G., Korejwo, E., Szubska M., Kwasigroch U., Bełdowski J., 2020. Presence of mercury and methylmercury in Baltic Sea sediments, collected in ammunition dumpsites. Marine Environmental Research 162, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105158
Czub, M., Nawała, J., Popiel, S., Dziedzic, D., Brzeziński, T., Maszczyk, P., Sanderson, H., Fabisiak, J., Bełdowski, J., Kotwicki, L., 2020. Acute aquatic toxicity of sulfur mustard and its degradation products to Daphnia magna. Marine Environmental Research 161, 105077, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105077
Vanninen, P., Östin, A., Bełdowski, J., Pedersen, E.A., Söderström, M., Szubska, M., Grabowski, M., Siedlewicz, G., Czub, M., Popiel, S., Nawała, J., Dziedzic, D., Jakacki, J., Pączek, B., 2020. Exposure status of sea-dumped chemical warfare agents in the Baltic Sea. Marine Environmental Research 161, 105112, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105112
Bełdowski J., Brenner M., Lehtonen K., 2020. Contaminated by war: A brief history of sea-dumping of munitions. Marine Environmental Research 162, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105189.
Rakociński, M.; Marynowski, L.; Pisarzowska, A.; Bełdowski, J.; Siedlewicz, G.; Zatoń, M.; Perri, M. C.; Spalletta, C.; Schönlaub, H. P., 2020. Volcanic related methylmercury poisoning as the possible driver of the end-Devonian Mass Extinction. Scientific Reports-Uk 10 (1), 7344, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-64104-2
Lebrato, M., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Müller, M.N., Blanco-Ameijeiras, S., Feely, R.A., Lorenzoni, L., Molinero, J.-C., Bremer, K., Jones, D.O.B., Iglesias-Rodriguez, D., Greeley, D., Lamare, M.D., Paulmier, A., Graco, M., Cartes, J., Barcelos e Ramos, J., de Lara, A., Sanchez-Leal, R., Jimenez, P., Paparazzo, F.E., Hartman, S.E., Westernströer, U., Küter, M., Benavides, R., da Silva, A.F., Bell, S., Payne, C., Olafsdottir, S., Robinson, K., Jantunen, L.M., Korablev, A., Webster, R.J., Jones, E.M., Gilg, O., Bailly du Bois, P., Beldowski, J., Ashjian, C., Yahia, N.D., Twining, B., Chen, X.-G., Tseng, L.-C., Hwang, J.-S., Dahms, H.-U., Oschlies, A., 2020. Global variability in seawater Mg:Ca and Sr:Ca ratios in the modern ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201918943, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1918943117
Saniewska, D., Gębka, K., Bełdowska, M., Siedlewicz, G., Bełdowski, J., Wilman, B., 2019. Impact of hydrotechnical works on outflow of mercury from the riparian zone to a river and input to the sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 142, 361-376, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.03.059
Bełdowski J., Szubska M., Siedlewicz G., Korejwo E., Grabowski M., Bełdowska M., Kwasigroch U., Fabisiak J., Łońska E., Szala M., Pempkowiak J., 2019. Sea-dumped ammunition as a possible source of mercury to the Baltic Sea sediments. Science of the Total Environment 674, 363-373, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.058
Bełdowski, J., Szubska, M., Bełdowska, M., Jankowska, K., Kotlarska, E., Graca, B., 2018. Seasonal changes of mercury speciation in the coastal sediments. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 18, 3424-3436, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-018-1993-4
Gebka, K., Beldowska, M., Saniewska, D., Kulinski, K., Bełdowski, J., 2018. Watershed characteristics and climate factors effect on the temporal variability of mercury in the southern Baltic Sea rivers. Journal of Environmental Sciences 68, 55-64, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2017.11.030
Saniewska, D., Beldowska, M., Bełdowski, J., Saniewski, M., Gebka, K., Szubska, M., Wochna, A., 2018. Impact of intense rains and flooding on mercury riverine input to the coastal zone. Marine Pollution Bulletin 127, 593-602, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.12.058
Czub, M., Kotwicki, L., Lang, T., Sanderson, H., Klusek, Z., Grabowski, M., Szubska, M., Jakacki, J., Andrzejewski, J., Rak, D., Beldowski, J., 2018. Deep sea habitats in the chemical warfare dumping areas of the Baltic Sea. Science of the Total Environment 616, 1485-1497, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.165
Carniel S., Bełdowski J., Cumming A., 2017. Munitions in the Sea: Time for Global Action. Sea Technology 58 (1), 37-39.
Iglikowska A, Beldowski J, Chelchowski M, Chierici M, Kedra M, Przytarska J, Sowa A, Kuklinski P, 2017. Chemical composition of two mineralogically contrasting Arctic bivalves' shells and their relationships to environmental variables. Marine Pollution Bulletin 114 (2): 903-916, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.10.071
Bulczak A.I, Rak D., Schmidt B., Bełdowski J., 2016. Observations of near-bottom currents in Bornholm Basin, Slupsk Furrow and Gdansk Deep. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 128, 96-113, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.02.021
Gębka, K, Bełdowski J., Bełdowska M., 2016. The impact of military activities on the concentration of mercury in soils of military training grounds and marine sediments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23, 23103-23113, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105189
Kotwicki L., Grzelak K., Bełdowski J. 2016. Benthic communities in chemical munitions dumping site areas within the Baltic deeps with special focus on nematodes. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 128, 123-130, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.12.012
Nawała J., Czupryński K., Popiel S., Dziedzic D., Bełdowski J. 2016. Development of the HS-SPME-GC-MS/MS method for analysis of chemical warfare agent and their degradation products in environmental samples. Analytica Chimica Acta 933, 103-116, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2016.05.033
Edwards., M., Bełdowski, J. 2016. Chemical munitions dumped at sea. Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies In Oceanography 128, 1-3, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.04.008
Bełdowski J., Klusek Z., Szubska M., Turja R., Bulczak A.I., Rak D., Brenner M., Lang T., Kotwicki L., Grzelak K., Jakacki J., Fricke N., Östin A., Olsson U., Fabisiak J., Garnaga G., Rattfelt Nyholm J., Majewski P., Broeg K., Söderström M., Vanninen P., Popiel S., Lehtonen K., Berglind R., 2016. Chemical Munitions Search & Assessment – an evaluation of the dumped munitions problem in the Baltic Sea. Deep Sea Research II, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 128, 85-95, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.01.017
Bełdowski J., Szubska M., Emelyanov E., Garnaga G., Drzewińska A., Bełdowska M., Vanninen P., Östin A., Fabisiak J., 2016. Arsenic concentrations in Baltic Sea Sediments close to Chemical Munitions dumpsites. Deep Sea Research II, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.03.001
Bełdowski, J., Miotk, M., Zaborska A. & Pempkowiak, J., 2014. Distribution of sedimentary mercury off Svalbard, European Arctic. Chemosphere, 122, 190-198, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.11.050
J. Bełdowski, 2015. BROŃ CHEMICZNA W MORZU BAŁTYCKIM. Mówią Wieki 650(1), 29-32
J. Bełdowski, A. Sosnowska, A. Podściański, 2013. Broń chemiczna zatopiona w Morzu Bałtyckim. Aura 8, 19-22
2020 - 3rd Baltic Earth Conference: Bełdowski J. „Dumped munitions as a pressure factor for the Baltic Ecosystem” (referat plenarny, na zaproszenie).
2019 - II Konferencja Naukowa Polskich Badaczy Morza, Gdynia, Poland: Bełdowski J. „Amunicja zatopiona w Morzu Bałtyckim – obecny stan wiedzy” (referat plenarny).
2019 - SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting, Helsinki, Finland:
Bełdowski J., Lignell H., Szubska M., Siedlewicz G., Popiel S., Nawala J., Gordon D., Szala M., Fabisiak J., Bełdowska M., Vanninen P. „CWA and explosives hot spots in the Baltic Sea”.
2018 - 7th IEEE/OES BALTIC SYMPOSIUM, Klaipėda, Lithuania:
Bełdowski J., Lang T., Reuter M., Vanninen P., Sorderstrom M. „Decision Aid for marine munitions – towards knowledge based management” (referat plenarny, na zaproszenie).
2018 - Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Athens, Georgia, USA:
Bełdowski J., Szubska M., Bełdowska M., Siedlewicz G., Kwasigroch U., Fabisiak J. „Dumped Munitions as a Source of Bioavaliable Mercury to Marine Environment.”
2018 - Chemical Weapons Demilitarization Conference, London, United Kingdom:
Bełdowski J., Lang T., Reuter M., Vanninen P., Sorderstrom M. „Decision Aid for marine munitions – Baltic approach to sea dumped chemical weapons” (referat plenarny).
2017 - Chemical Weapons Demilitarization Conference, London, United Kingdom:
Bełdowski J., Asahima J. „The Current Status of Baltic Sea DAIMON Project and the Applicability of a Mobile Destruction Process” (referat plenarny).
2017 - International Symposium on the Interactions Between Sediments and Water, Taormina, Italy:
Bełdowski J., Szubska M., Siedlewicz G., Bełdowska M., Gębka K. „Impact of sea dumped munitions on metals concentrations in sediments” (referat plenarny).
2016 - International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Ghent, Belgium:
Gębka K., Bełdowski J., Bełdowska M. „The Impact Of Military Activities On The Concentration Of Mercury In Marine Sediments And Soils Of Military Training Grounds”.