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Klusek Z., Jakacki J., Tęgowski J., Matveev A., Potapov A. I., Soustova J., Non-linear response of the bottom as indicator of the microbubble presence in sediments of the Gdansk Bay, Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001, Stockholm, November 2001
Tęgowski J., Klusek Z., Acoustical classification of the bottom sediments in the Southern Baltic Sea, Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001, Stockholm, November 2001,
Jakacki J., Klusek Z., Tęgowski J., Investigations of the gas bubble concentrations in the subsurface layer in the Gulf of Gdansk, Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001, Stockholm, November 25-29, 2001,
Szczucka J., Acoustic estimates of biological vertical migration, Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001, Stockholm, November 2001