Department of Marine Chemistry and Biochemistry IOPAS
Department consist of three
each performing independently research on properties of various components
of the marine environment and processes taking place there. Major topics
studied in the sections are as follow:
factors influencing transport of metal ions (at present iron)
through cell membranes, and distribution within cells
pigments (at present carotenoids) and their role in the photosynthesis
ferritin as iron managing factor within cells
geochemistry of heavy metals
geochemistry of natural and anthropogenic organic substances
semipermeable membranes (SPMD) as tool for studying bioavailable persistant
organic pollutants
biomarkers of anthropogenic stress in the marine environment
speciation of heavy metals in sediments, water, and biota
210Pb dating of surface sediments
investigation of sedimentation and processes scavenging at the Barents
Sea shelf
mapping of artificial radionuclides in the Baltic sediments
mechanisms of 137Cs sorption and desorption from marine suspension
concentrations of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in various
components of the Baltic sea environment.
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Krystyna Bernatowicz
<> , March, 2003