Chorizopora hyalina var. bougainvillei: Busk 1884: 148, pl.22, fig.4
Diazeuxia reticulans Jullien 1888: 33, pl.4, fig.5 (as D. reticulata)
Hippothoa bougainvillei: Rogick 1956b: 184 (in part), fig.5
Celleporella bougainvillei: Moyano and Gordon 1980: 89, Figs.6D-E, 7A-I; Moyano 1986b: 109, pls.12,13; Hayward 1995: 235, Fig 149E, 150A,B
BUSK, G. 1884. Report on the Polyzoa collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Part 1. The Cheilostomata. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of HMS Challenger. Zoology, 10(30): 1-216.
JULLIEN, J. 1888. Bryozoaires. In: Mission. Scientifique de Cap Horn (1882-1883), Zoologie, 6: 1-94. Gauthier-Villars et Cie., Paris.
ROGICK, M.D. 1956. Studies on marine Bryozoa, VII. Hippothoa. Ohio Journal of Science, 56(3): 183-191.
MOYANO G., H.I. & GORDON, D.P. 1980. New species of Hippothoidae (Bryozoa) from Chile, Antarctica and New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 10, 1: 75-95.
MOYANO G., H.I. 1986. Bryozoa marinos Chilenos. VI. Cheilostomata Hippothoidae: Los especies del Pacifico Sudoriental. Boletin de la Sociedad de Biologia de Concepcion, 57: 89-135.