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Jacek Piskozub's HomePage

This is how I looked before I created this page:
My photo

Look here if you want to see my Research Interests

You can also see a list of my My Recent Papers (with abstracts)

You can learn more about my Air-Sea Interaction Laboratory.

This is what My Other Interests are.
Some photos taken during the May '97 cruise of R/V Oceania.

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You might also want to see Where You Are

IO PAS Home Page  * Air-Sea Interaction Laboratory HomePage

Created by Jacek Piskozub <piskozub@iopan.gda.pl>.
Last updated on August 22, 2002

This W3C Valid HTML 4.01 Strict! and Valid CSS! standard compliant page

was accessed a lot of times since February 19, 1996

This page was prepared using HTML 4.01 Strict.
You may check versions written in HTML 4.01 Transitional, XHTML 1.0 and XHTML 1.1

All XHTML, CSS & JavaScript written by myself, (c) Jacek Piskozub