Oceanologia No. 24 (1986)
Czesław Druet, Ryszard Siwecki: Characteristics of turbulent horizontal heat exchange in subsurface layers of the Southern Ocean. Part II. Indian Ocean and Pacific
Dariusz Stramski: The effect of daylight dilfuseness on the focusing of sunlight by sea surface waves
Stanisław Pogorzelski, Bogumił Linde, Antoni Śliwinski: Interrelationship between the process of surface wave generation caused by an air stream and wave attenuation process on water covered withamonolayer of crude oil derivative
Bogumił Linde, Stanisław Pogorzelski, Antoni Śliwinski: The effect of thickness of crude oil layers on the attenuation of the surface capillary wave
Marcin Pliński, Tomasz Jóźwiak: Interdependence between dimensions of two Dinoflagellata species (Dinophysis noruegica Claparede et Lachmann, Ceratium tripos O. F. Mfiller/Nitzsch) and selected parameters of the environment
Anna Szaniawska, Roman Wenne, Maciej Wołowicz: Energetic values of the body of Macoma balthica L. from the Gulf of Gdańsk
Bożena Adamkiewicz-Chojnacka, Reinhard Heerkloss, Werner Schnese: Aggregation analysis of the planktonic rotifers in brackish waters of southern Baltic