Oceanologia No. 36 (1) /1994


Jolanta Kuśmierczyk-Michulec: The influence of the marine aerosol on atmospheric extinction

Konrad Witkowski, Tadeusz Król, Maria Łotocka: The light scattering matrix of Chlorella vulgaris cells and its variability due to cell modification

Halina Jankowska, Maciej Matciak, Jacek Nowacki: Salinity variations as an effect of groundwater seepage through the seabed (Puck Bay, Poland)

Katarzyna Bradtke, Adam Krężel: The inhomogeneity of vertical distributions of suspended matter in the sea – consequences for remote sensing

Zygmunt Klusek, Jarosław Tęgowski, Joanna Szczucka, Antoni Śliwiński: Characteristic properties of bottom backscattering in the southern Baltic Sea at ultrasound frequencies


Grażyna Kowalewska: Copper tetrapyrrole complexes in the marine environment (review by K. Korzeniowski)

Mariusz R. Sapota: A study of the life cycle of Notothenia neglecta Nybelin (Pisces) from the South Shetlands region, Antarctica (review by K. Wiktor)

Jan Marcin Węsławski: The sensitivity of Svalbard’s marine ecosystem towards climatic change (review by K. Wiktor)

Maria Iwona Żmijewska: Copepods of the Southern Ocean, with particular emphasis on the life cycles of the dominant species (review by K. Wiktor)