Oceanologia No. 49 (2) / 07
Influence of aerosol vertical profile variability on retrievals
of aerosol optical thickness from NOAA AVHRR measurements in
the Baltic region: Anna Rozwadowska
Synoptic changes in the deep rim current during stagnant hydrographic
conditions in the Eastern Gotland Basin, Baltic Sea:
Eberhard Hagen, Rainer Feistel
Spatio-temporal variations in hydro-physical and -chemical
parameters during a major upwelling event off the southern coast
of the Gulf of Finland in summer 2006:
Ülo Suursaar, Robert Aps
Acoustic seabed classification applied to Baltic benthic habitat
studies: a new approach:
Andrzej Orlowski
Tree stumps from the bottom of the Vistula Lagoon as indicators
of water level changes in the Southern Baltic during the Late Holocene:
Leszek Łęczyński, Grażyna Miotk-Szpiganowicz,
Joanna Zachowicz, Szymon Uścinowicz, Marek Krąpiec
Modelling nitrogen and phosphorus limitation on phytoplankton growth
in Narva Bay, south-eastern Gulf of Finland:
Gennadi Lessin, Inga Lips, Urmas Raudsepp
Factors describing the distribution of the zooplankton community
in the Gulf of Finland in the context of interactions between
native and introduced predatory cladocerans:
Arno Põllumäe, Jonne Kotta
Influence of aerosol vertical profile variability on retrievals of aerosol optical thickness from NOAA AVHRR measurements in the Baltic region
Oceanologia 2007, 49(2), 165-184
Anna Rozwadowska
Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Powstańców Warszawy 55, PL-81-712 Sopot, Poland;
e-mail: ania@iopan.gda.pl
aerosol optical thickness, aerosol profile bias, AVHRR channels,
satellite algorithm, Baltic region
Received 28 February 2007, revised 8 May 2007, accepted 16 May 2007.
This research was carried out as part of the statutory programme
of the Institute of Oceanology in Sopot, Poland (No I.1.2).
The expected influence of variability in atmospheric aerosol
profiles on retrievals of aerosol optical thickness (AOT)
from NOAA AVHRR measurements is analysed. In particular, the
bias in the AOT retrieval due to the assumption of a climatological
aerosol profile in the retrieval algorithm is studied. The bias
is defined as the difference between AOT retrieved with an
algorithm using a climatological aerosol profile, and the actual AOT
employed in the calculations of radiances at the top of the atmosphere
(TOA). The TOA radiances are simulated by means of the MODTRAN
code for different aerosol profiles. Atmospheric conditions and
solar and satellite angles used in the bias simulations are typical
of the Baltic region. In the simulations, the maximum absolute
value of the bias amounts to nearly 40% in channel 2 and 14%
in channel 1 of AVHRR.
Synoptic changes in the deep rim current during stagnant hydrographic conditions in the Eastern Gotland Basin, Baltic Sea
Oceanologia 2007, 49(2), 185-208
Eberhard Hagen*, Rainer Feistel
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research,
Seestrasse 15, D-18119 Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany;
e-mail: eberhard.hagen@io-warnemuende.de
*corresponding author
Keywords: Baltic Sea, Eastern Gotland Basin, hydrography, current measurements, deep water circulation
Received 16 February 2007, revised 24 April 2007, accepted 8 May 2007.
Hydrographic and current measurements are analysed for stagnant
deep-water conditions over the south-eastern topographic flank
of the Eastern Gotland Basin (EGB) in April 2000.
Results suggest a prevailing barotropic motion mode on a synoptic
scale of several days. Deep along-slope volume transports derived
from subsurface current meter moorings are compared with those
of the baroclinic fraction of geostrophic motions crossing the
plane of a hydrographic section. This was aligned perpendicular
to deep isobaths and was repeated 40 times with a time step of
six hours. Changes in regional winds produced a quasi-ten day
cycle in the filling level of the Baltic Proper. Associated wave-like
fluctuations of the mass field propagated cyclonically with a
velocity of about 0.04 m s-1 around the deep basin's rim. It
is concluded that associated changes in deep volume transports
result mainly from barotropically governed advection processes
and that those of the baroclinic component of geostrophic currents
provide a qualitatively and quantitatively quite inaccurate description
of related transport fluctuations on a daily scale.
Spatio-temporal variations in hydro-physical and -chemical parameters during a major upwelling event off the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland in summer 2006
Oceanologia 2007, 49(2), 209-228
Ülo Suursaar, Robert Aps
Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu,
Mäealuse 10a, EE-12618 Tallinn, Estonia;
e-mail: ulo.suursaar@ut.ee
upwelling, RDCP, coastal jets, vertical fluxes, SST, satellite images,
Baltic Sea
Received 8 February 2007, revised 22 May 2007, accepted 25 May 2007.
This work was supported by the Estonian Science Foundation through
grant No 5929.
The objective of the paper is to document and examine the major
upwelling event that occurred along the northern coast of Estonia
in August 2006. With a horizontal extension of 360 km, the event
was caused by persistent easterlies and was noticed by a large
number of holidaymakers, as it turned the temperature of the
coastal sea to a chilly 5-10°C for about a month. In
situ measurements from an RDCP current profiler revealed an along-wind
coastal jet of up to 60 cm s-1 and a weak near-bottom countercurrent.
The depths of the pycnocline and nutricline rose. The maximum
drop in water temperature was 16°C, that of salinity
was 3.6 PSU. Analysis of satellite images confirmed the large
extension and the prominence of the event.
Acoustic seabed classification applied to Baltic benthic habitat studies: a new approach
Oceanologia 2007, 49(2), 229-243
Andrzej Orlowski
Sea Fisheries Institute,
Kołłątaja 1, PL-81-332 Gdynia, Poland;
e-mail: orlov@mir.gdynia.pl
acoustic seabed classification, bottom habitat, ecology, Baltic, bathymetry
Received 2 March 2007, revised 21 May 2007, accepted 25 May 2007.
The application of acoustic methods for the classification of bottom
habitats is based mostly on the analysis of measured parameters without relating them to the bathymetric structure. Geological complexity and biological patterns are closely related to bathymetry. This paper presents a new approach to the acoustic classification of bottom habitats in that it combines
the distribution of a selected acoustic parameter with its bathymetric structure. The hypothetical effective angle of a bottom echo θ'/2,
corresponding to its normalised length, was the acoustic parameter applied. This parameter broadly characterises the complex acoustic reflecting and scattering properties of the seabed.
Its highest values correspond to a layered bottom consisting of soft sediment. The southern Baltic area was classified by a direct comparison of two factors measured acoustically:
the statistical distribution of θ'/2, and
the correlated depth structure within selected standard
regular geographical areas (15' latitude and 30' longitude) which the total area was divided into.
The area size was matched with the density of the measurements collected.
The same factors were also estimated for the whole southern Baltic. The study was based on soundings collected on board r/v "Baltica"
during regular acoustic surveys in 1995-2003. The classification
applied provides a new possibility of complex seabed identification and comparison of seabed structure dynamics, useful in benthic research and in the ecologically based administration of marine areas.
Tree stumps from the bottom of the Vistula Lagoon as indicators of water level changes in the Southern Baltic during the Late Holocene
Oceanologia 2007, 49(2), 245-257
Leszek Łęczyński1,
Grażyna Miotk-Szpiganowicz2,
Joanna Zachowicz2,
Szymon Uścinowicz2,*,
Marek Krąpiec3
1Institute of Oceanography,
University of Gdańsk,
al. Marszałka Piłsudskiego 46, PL-81-378 Gdynia, Poland
2Branch of Marine Geology,
Polish Geological Institute,
Kościerska 5, PL-80-328 Gdańsk, Poland;
e-mail: szymon.uscinowicz@pgi.gov.pl
*corresponding author
3Academy of Mining and Metallurgy,
al. A. Mickiewicza 30, PL-30-059 Kraków, Poland
tree stumps, palynological analysis, water level changes,
Vistula Lagoon, southern Baltic Sea
Received 28 February 2007, revised 23 April 2007, accepted 27 April 2007.
The research results presented in this study were obtained partly within
the framework of the grant "Water level changes in the Vistula
Lagoon in the middle and late Holocene" (No 2 P04D 00927),
provided by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
The Vistula Lagoon is situated along the south-eastern shore
of the Gulf of Gdansk and is linked with the gulf through the
Strait of Baltiysk. Separated from the open sea by the Vistula
Spit, the Vistula Lagoon is a shallow body of water with a mean
depth of 3 m; the bottom is covered with a layer of mud several
metres thick.
This article presents a unique, newly discovered locality
of tree stumps occurring in situ at the bottom of the Vistula
Lagoon. The radiocarbon age of the alder stumps and the top of
the peat in which they are rooted is Subboreal. The alder wood
was dated to 4770±35 and 3295±35 years BP. The
top layers of peat were dated to 4670±40, 4410±35
and 3690±35 years BP. The considerable scatter of the
dates indicates the significance of erosional processes during
marine transgressions. Radiocarbon dates and pollen analyses
indicate that in the late Atlantic - early Subboreal periods,
the water level of the Vistula Lagoon was about 3 m lower than
it is today. The -2 m level was passed no earlier than c. 3500
years ago; the -1 m level was reached around 2000 years ago.
Modelling nitrogen and phosphorus limitation on phytoplankton growth
in Narva Bay, south-eastern Gulf of Finland
Oceanologia 2007, 49(2), 259-276
Gennadi Lessin*, Inga Lips, Urmas Raudsepp
Marine Systems Institute, Tallinn University of Technology,
Akadeemia Rd. 21b, EE-12618 Tallinn, Estonia;
e-mail: gennadi@phys.sea.ee
*corresponding author
nutrient limitation, numerical modelling, Narva Bay, Gulf of Finland
Received 28 December 2006, revised 12 April 2007, accepted 17 April 2007.
This work was partially supported by Estonian Science Foundation
Research Grant No 5596.
The relative roles of nitrogen and phosphorus in the limitation
of phytoplankton growth in Narva Bay, south-eastern Gulf of Finland,
were studied by combining the results of numerical modelling
and nutrient enrichment experiments. Modelled biomass-based intracellular
nutrient concentrations (nutrient functions) were used to estimate
the limiting nutrient in Narva Bay. Nutrient functions - NF
∈ [0; 1] for nitrogen and PF ∈ [0; 1] for phosphorus - define
the dependence of the phytoplankton growth rate on nutrients:
NF = PF = 1 corresponds to non-limitation of phytoplankton growth
by nutrients, whereas NF = 0 or PF = 0 to zero growth. The
biotests indicated the response of phytoplankton growth to an
increase in nutrient concentration in the surrounding water.
Three locations were selected for detailed analyses of temporal
variations in the nutrient functions: the offshore station N12,
station N8 at the mouth of the River Narva, and coastal station
38. The biotests were performed at the same stations.
NF and PF reached values of 0.9 prior to the spring bloom.
With the onset of the spring bloom, NF decreased rapidly and remained below
0.1 in the open part of Narva Bay for the rest of that period.
In the coastal zone, NF was in excess of 0.1, with a local
maximum in the river mouth area. PF decreased to 0.3-0.4 in
the open bay after the spring bloom. In the coastal zone PF
remained above 0.4, with a certain increase from the midsummer
minimum towards the end of summer. The numerical modelling results
clearly show that nitrogen limits phytoplankton growth in Narva
Bay. Phosphorus limitation may occur only for a limited period
and over a limited area at the Narva River mouth and other coastal
locations. In general, the biotests backed up the modelling results,
the main exception being in the open bay during summer. The model
does not account for nitrogen fixation, however. Since N-fixing
cyanobacteria were prevalent in the offshore area, the addition
of phosphorus led to enhanced phytoplankton growth at station N12.
Factors describing the distribution of the zooplankton community
in the Gulf of Finland in the context of interactions between
native and introduced predatory cladocerans
Oceanologia 2007, 49(2), 277-290
Arno Põllumäe*, Jonne Kotta
Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu,
Mäealuse 10a, EE-12618 Tallinn, Estonia;
e-mail: arno@sea.ee
*corresponding author
Baltic, mesozooplankton, non-indigenous, food web, predation
Received 11 December 2006, revised 24 April 2007, accepted 27 April 2007.
This study was financed by the Estonian Target Financing Programmes
Nos 0182578s03 and the Estonian Science Foundation Grants Nos
6015 and 6016. Funding was also obtained through a U.S. Government
Grant (SEN100-02-GR069). The opinions, findings and conclusions
or recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.
Mesozooplankton communities were studied monthly
at six sites in the Gulf of Finland during six ice-free seasons.
The abundances of different zooplankton taxa were related to
temperature, salinity, eutrophication level (total nitrogen and
phosphorus), phytoplankton Chl a and density of predatory
cladocerans, including the non-indigenous Cercopagis pengoi
and the native Leptodora kindtii. The results indicated that
variability in the zooplankton communities was correlated not
only with predation by mesozooplankton but also with bottom-up
effects. Predation by the non-indigenous C. pengoi may significantly
affect the dynamics of Cladocera and Rotatoria in the Gulf of
Finland during the summer season.