Oceanologia No. 56 (2) / 14
Thematic issue:
Changes in Energy, Water and Matter Cycles - 20 Years of BALTEX Research
Building Regional Earth System Knowledge - A future programme for the
Baltic Sea region
7th Study Conference on BALTEX
New coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice system COSMO-CLM/NEMO: assessing air temperature sensitivity over the North and Baltic Seas: Trang Van Pham, Jennifer Brauch, Christian Dieterich, Barbara Frueh, Bodo Ahrens
Diurnal variability of water vapour in the Baltic Sea region according to NCEP-CFSR and BaltAn65+ reanalyses: Erko Jakobson, Hannes Keernik, Andres Luhamaa, Hanno Ohvril
Observational evidence for human impact on aerosol cloud-mediated processes in the Baltic region: Olaf Krüger
The atmospheric circulation patterns during dry periods in Lithuania: Egidijus Rimkus, Justas Kažys, Donatas Valiukas, Gintautas Stankūnavičius
Characteristics of cyclones causing extreme sea levels in the northern Baltic Sea: Piia Post, Tarmo Kõuts
Extreme sea levels at selected stations on the Baltic Sea coast: Tomasz Wolski, Bernard Wiśniewski, Andrzej Giza, Halina Kowalewska-Kalkowska, Hanna Boman, Silve Grabbi-Kaiv, Thomas Hammarklint, Jürgen Holfort, Žydrune Lydeikaitė
Links between biota and climate-related variables in the Baltic region using Lake Onega as an example: Andrey N. Sharov, Nadezhda A. Berezina, Larisa E. Nazarova, Tamara N. Poliakova, Tatyana A. Chekryzheva
Erosion reasons and rate on accumulative Polish dune coast caused by the January 2012 storm surge: Tomasz A. Łabuz
Could submarine groundwater discharge be a significant carbon source to the southern Baltic Sea?: Beata Szymczycha, Anna Maciejewska, Aleksandra Winogradow, Janusz Pempkowiak
Impact of the emissions of international sea traffic on airborne deposition to the Baltic Sea and concentrations at the coastline: Marke Hongisto
Inorganic constituents in surface runoff from urbanised areas in winter: the case study of the city of Brest, Belarus: Ina Bulskaya, Aliaksandr Volchek
Adapting flood preparedness tools to changing flood risk conditions: the situation in Poland: Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz
New coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice system COSMO-CLM/NEMO: assessing air temperature sensitivity over the North and Baltic Seas
Oceanologia 2014, 56(2), 167-189
Trang Van Pham1,4,*, Jennifer Brauch2, Christian Dieterich3, Barbara Frueh2, Bodo Ahrens4
1Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre,
Senckenberganlage 25, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany;
e-mail: trang.pham-van@dwd.de
*corresponding author
2German Meteorological Service,
Frankfurterstr. 135, 63067, Offenbach am Main, Germany
3Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute,
Folkborgsvägen 17, SE-601 76, Norrköping, Sweden
4Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt,
Altenhöferallee 1, 60438, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Coupled model, atmosphere ocean-sea-ice interaction, Baltic Sea, North Sea, COSMO-CLM, NEMO, OASIS3
Received 25 October2013, revised 12 February 2014, accepted 26 February 2014.
We acknowledge support from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under grant MiKliP: DECREG/01LP1118B.
This paper introduces a newly established coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice system with the regional climate model COSMO-CLM and the ocean-sea-ice model NEMO for the North and Baltic Seas. These two models are linked via the OASIS3 coupler. Experiments with the new coupled system and with the stand-alone COSMO-CLM model forced by ERA-Interim re-analysis data over the period from 1985 to 1994 for the CORDEX Europe domain are carried out. The evaluation results of the coupled system show 2-m temperature biases in the range from -2.5 to 3 K. Simulated 2-m temperatures are generally colder in the coupled than in the uncoupled system, and temperature differences vary by season and space. The coupled model shows an improvement compared with the stand-alone COSMO-CLM in terms of simulating 2-m temperature. The difference in 2-m temperature between the two experiments are explained as downwind cooling by the colder North and Baltic Seas in the coupled system.
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Diurnal variability of water vapour in the Baltic Sea region according to NCEP-CFSR and BaltAn65+ reanalyses
Oceanologia 2014, 56(2), 191-204
Erko Jakobson1,2,*, Hannes Keernik1,2, Andres Luhamaa2,3, Hanno Ohvril2
1Tartu Observatory,
61602, Toravere, Tartumaa, Estonia;
e-mail: erko.jakobson@ut.ee
*corresponding author
2Institute of Physics, University of Tartu,
Ulikooli 18, Tartu 50090, Estonia
3Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute,
Mustamäe tee 33, Tallinn, Estonia
Precipitable water, diurnal variability, breeze, NCEP-CFSR, BaltAn65+
Received 25 October2013, revised 20 March 2014, accepted 25 March 2014.
The survey was supported by Esttonian Science Foundation under a postdoctoral grant JD189, by European Social Fund's Doctoral Studies and Internationalisation Programme DoRa and project SLOOM12073T, which are carried out by Foundation Archmedes, and by project `Estonian Radiation Climate' funded by the EU Regional Development Foundation.
Diurnal variations in water vapour in the Baltic Sea region are examined using BaltAn65+ and NCEP-CFSR reanalyses of summer (JJA) data for the period 1979-2005. A systematic difference between precipitable water (PW) diurnal variability above the land and the water is revealed. Above the land, PW diurnal variability has minimal values at 00 and 06 UTC, as in previous studies, whereas above the water, the minima are at 12 and 18 UTC. Diurnal variability in the vertical humidity profile is controlled by turbulent mixing and the diurnal behaviour of sea breezes. The impacts and proportions of diurnal variability of humidity are evaluated at different vertical levels.
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Observational evidence for human impact on aerosol cloud-mediated processes in the Baltic region
Oceanologia 2014, 56(2), 205-222
Olaf Krüger1,2
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e-mail: olaf.krueger@to.ee
2Institute of Physics, University of Tartu,
Ülikooli 18, 50090 Tartu, Estonia
Aerosols, clouds, radiation, Grosswetterlagen
Received 25 October2013, revised 12 February 2014, accepted 26 February 2014.
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The atmospheric circulation patterns during dry periods in Lithuania
Oceanologia 2014, 56(2), 223-239
Egidijus Rimkus*, Justas Kažys, Donatas Valiukas, Gintautas Stankunavičius
Department of Hydrology and Climatology, Vilnius University,
M. K. Čiurlionio 21/27, LT-03101 Vilnius, Lithuania;
e-mail: egidijus.rimkus@gf.vu.lt
*corresponding author
Droughts, atmospheric circulation, hydrothermal coefficient, TMI blocking index, NAO and AO
Received 25 October 2013, revised 1 January 2014, accepted 31 January 2014.
The study was supported by the Lithuanian-Swiss cooperation programme to reduce economic and social disparities within the enlarged European Union under project agreement No. CH-3-ŠMM-01/05.
This paper reveals the atmospheric circulation patterns during dry periods in Lithuania.~The research covers the period from 1961 to 2010. Atmospheric circulation features were analysed using the Hess and Brezowski classification of macro-circulation forms, NAO and AO indices, a 500 hPa geopotential height field and the Tibaldi-Molteni blocking index. Different phases of the dry period (developing, persisting and attenuation) were evaluated individually. Also, the regional differences of dry period formation were investigated. In general dry periods are determined by a decrease in zonal and an increase in meridional circulation forms as well as the atmospheric blocking process over the Baltic region longitudinal belt 0-20 days prior to the start of the dry period. An especially strong shift from general circulation patterns are observed during the developing phase of a dry period. Drought persistence in the Baltic region is almost always predetermined by strong anticyclonic circulation. Most drought development stages are associated with negative NAO/AO phases.
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Characteristics of cyclones causing extreme sea levels in the northern Baltic Sea
Oceanologia 2014, 56(2), 241-258
Piia Post1, Tarmo Kouts2
1Institute of Physics, University of Tartu,
Ülikooli 18, Tartu 50090, Estonia;
e-mail: piia.post@ut.ee
2Marine Systems Institute, Tallinn University of Technology,
Akadeemia tee 15a, Tallinn 12618, Estonia;
e-mail: tarmo.kouts@msi.ttu.ee
Temporal clustering, extra-tropical cyclones, extreme sea level, Baltic Sea
Received 25 October2013, revised 27 February 2014, accepted 3 March 2014.
The study was supported by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research (IUT20-11 and Grant ETF9134) and by the EU Regional Development Foundation, Environmental Conservation and Environmental Technology R&D Program Project no. 3.2.0801.12-0044.
The basic parameters of extra-tropical cyclones in the northern Baltic are examined in relation to extreme sea level events at Estonian coastal stations between 1948 and 2010. The hypothesis whether extreme sea level events might be caused not by one intense extra-tropical cyclone, as suggested by earlier researchers, but by the temporal clustering of cyclones in a certain trajectory corridor, is tested. More detailed analysis of atmospheric conditions at the time of the two most extreme cases support this concept: the sequence of 5 cyclones building up the extreme sea level within about 10 days was very similar in structure and periodicity.
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Extreme sea levels at selected stations on the Baltic Sea coast
Oceanologia 2014, 56(2), 259-290
Tomasz Wolski1,*, Bernard Wiśniewski2,
Andrzej Giza1, Halina Kowalewska-Kalkowska1,
Hanna Boman3, Silve Grabbi-Kaiv4,
Thomas Hammarklint5, Jürgen Holfort6,
Žydrune Lydeikaite7
1University of Szczecin, Faculty of Geosciences,
al. Wojska Polskiego 107/109, 70-483 Szczecin, Poland;
e-mail: natal@univ.szczecin.pl
*corresponding author
2Maritime University of Szczecin, Faculty of Navigation,
Wały Chrobrego 1-2, 70-500 Szczecin, Poland
3Finnish Meteorological Institute,
Erik Palménin aukio 1, FI-00560 Helsinki, Finland
4Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute,
Mustamäe tee 33, EST--10616 Tallinn, Estonia
5Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute,
Sven Källfelts Gata 15, 42471 Göteborg, Sweden
6Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie,
Neptunallee 5, 18057 Rostock, Germany
7Environmental Protection Agency,
Taikos pr. 26, LT--91149, Klaipeda, Lithuania
Baltic Sea, extreme sea levels, storm surges and falls
Received 25 October2013, revised 6 February 2014, accepted 11 February 2014.
This work was financed by the Polish National Centre for Science research project No. 2011/01/B/ST10/06470.
The purpose of this article is to analyse and describe the extreme characteristics of the water levels and illustrate them as the topography of the sea surface along the whole Baltic Sea coast. The general pattern is to show the maxima and minima of Baltic Sea water levels and the extent of their variations in the period from 1960 to 2010. A probability analysis is carried out on the annual sea level maxima and minima for 31 water level gauges in order to define the probability of occurrence of theoretical sea levels once in a specific number of years. The spatial distribution of sea levels for hundred-year maximum and minimum water levels is illustrated. Then, the number of storm surges for the accepted criteria are presented: these numbers increased in the 50-year period analysed. The final part of the work analyses some extreme storm events and calculates the static value and dynamic deformation of the sea surface by mesoscale, deep low-pressure systems.
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Links between biota and climate-related variables in the Baltic region using Lake Onega as an example
Oceanologia 2014, 56(2), 291-306
Andrey N. Sharov1,2,*, Nadezhda A. Berezina1,3,
Larisa E. Nazarova1, Tamara N. Poliakova1,
Tatyana A. Chekryzheva1
1Northern Water Problems Institute, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences,
A. Nevskogo prospect 50, Petrozavodsk 185030, Russia
2Saint-Petersburg Scientific Research Centre for Ecological Safety, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Korpusnaya 18, St. Petersburg 197110, Russia;
e-mail: sharov_an@mail.ru
*corresponding author
3Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Universitetskaya embankment 1, St. Petersburg 199034, Russia
Baltic Sea catchment area, climate variables, phytoplankton, benthos
Received 25 October 2013, revised 21 February 2014, accepted 27 February 2014.
This work was supported by Biodiversity and Bioresources Programmes grants from the Russian Academy of Sciences.
This paper aims to reveal current changes (recent decades) in regional climatic variables like water temperature (WT), the duration of the ice-free period (ICE-FREE) and the precipitation rate (P), as exemplified by Petrozavodsk Bay (Lake Onega, European Russia), and to analyse their relationships with the global climatic indices NAO, AO and structural characteristics of biota (chlorophylla concentration (Chl a), phytoplankton and zoobenthos abundance/biomass) in the lake ecosystem, which lies within the Baltic Sea catchment area. Spearman's rank correlations yielded significant (p < 0.05) relationships between the NAO and planktonic Cyanobacteria abundance, and also between NAO, AO, WT, P and the abundance and biomass of zoobenthos. Chl a correlates positively (R = 0.66; p = 0.03) with WT and negatively with ICE-FREE (R = -0.53; p = 0.05). At the same time, multiple regression analysis confirmed that the global climate governs primarily the regional climatic variables and productivity level in the lake's ecosystem, whereas most of the biotic characteristics respond to variability in the regional climate.
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Erosion reasons and rate on accumulative Polish dune coast caused by the January 2012 storm surge
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Tomasz A. Łabuz
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, University of Szczecin,
70-383 Szczecin, Poland;
e-mail: labuztom@univ.szczecin.pl
Storm surge, coastal dune erosion, sand volume changes, Polish coast
Received 25 October2013, revised 11 March 2014, accepted 21 March 2014.
The Polish coast is a non-tidal area; its shores are affected mainly by autumn-winter storm surges. Those of 6 and 14 January 2012 are representative of the forces driving the erosion of normally accumulative sections of coastal dunes, monitored by the author since 1997. The sea level maximum during these two storm surges reached 1.2 to 1.5 m amsl along the Polish coast. Land forms up to 3 m amsl were inundated. Beaches and low parts of the coast up to this height were rebuilt by sea waves attacking the coast for almost 12 days. Quantitative analyses of the morphological dynamics of the coastal dunes are presented for 57 profiles located along the coast. Only those accumulative sections of the Polish coast are analysed where sand accumulation did occur and led to new foredune development. The mean rate of dune erosion was 2.5 m3 per square metre with an average toe retreat of 1.4 m. Erosion understood as dune retreat was greater when a beach was lower (correlation coefficient 0.8). Dune erosion did not occur on coasts with beaches higher than 3.2 m or on lower ones covered by embryo dunes.
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Could submarine groundwater discharge be a significant carbon source to the southern Baltic Sea?
Oceanologia 2014, 56(2), 327-347
Beata Szymczycha, Anna Maciejewska, Aleksandra Winogradow, Janusz Pempkowiak*
Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences,
70-383 Szczecin, Poland;
e-mail: pempa@iopan.gda.pl
* corresponding author
Bay of Puck, seepage water, dissolved organic carbon, dissolved inorganic carbon, carbon loads, carbon budget, Baltic Sea, World Ocean
Received 25 October 2013, revised 16 January 2014, accepted 20 January 2014.
The study reports the results obtained within the framework of the following projects: the statutory activities of the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences theme 2.2, research project No. 2012/05/N/ST10/02761 sponsored by the National Science Centre, and AMBER, the BONUS+ EU FP6 Project.
Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) is an important yet poorly recognised pathway of material transport to the marine environment. This work reports on the results of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and loads in the groundwater seeping into the southern Baltic Sea.Most of the research was carried out in the Bay of Puck (2009-2010), while in 2013 the study was extended to include several other groundwater seepage impacted areas situated along the Polish coastline. The annual average concentrations of DIC and DOC in the groundwater were equal to 64.5 ± 10.0 mg C L-1 and 5.8 ± 0.9 mg C L-1 respectively. The carbon specific flux into the Bay of Puck was estimated at 850 mg m-2 yr-1. The loads of carbon via SGD were scaled up for the Baltic Sea sub-basins and the entire Baltic Sea. The DIC and DOC fluxes via SGD to the Baltic Sea were estimated at 283.6 ± 66.7 kt yr-1 and 25.5 ± 4.2 kt yr-1. The SGD derived carbon load to the Baltic Sea is an important component of the carbon budget, which gives the sea a firmly heterotrophic status.
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Oceanologia 2014, 56(2), 349-372
Marke Hongisto
Air Quality Research,
Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI),
Erik Palmenin aukio 1, P.O. Box 503, FI-00101, Helsinki, Finland;
e-mail: marke.hongisto@fmi.fi
* corresponding author
Baltic Sea, airborne load of nitrogen and sulphur, European emission inventories, Concentrations from Baltic Sea ship emissions
Received 25 October 2013, revised 12 February 2014, accepted 21 February 2014.
The research has received funding from the European Regional Development Fund, Central Baltic INTERREG IV A programme within the SNOOP project.
The impact of ship traffic emissions in the Baltic Sea on deposition and airborne concentrations of nitrogen and sulphur compounds in the period 2008--2011 was studied using the Hilatar chemistry transport model with a 0.068° latitude-longitude resolution. An accurate ship emission inventory based on AIS (automatic identification system) security signals was used. The uncertainty of the European emission inventories are discussed, as is an inter-comparison of the Baltic Sea airborne load and concentrations with other model-based estimates and with air quality measurements and the effect of the EU sulphur directive for ship emissions on sulphate concentrations.
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Inorganic constituents in surface runoff from urbanised areas in winter: the case study of the city of Brest, Belarus
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Ina Bulskaya1, Aliaksandr Volche2
1Department of Chemistry, A.S. Pushkin Brest State University,
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Adapting flood preparedness tools to changing flood risk conditions: the situation in Poland
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Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz1,2
1Institute of Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Bukowska 19, 60-809 Poznań, Poland;
e-mail: zkundze@man.poznan.pl
2Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research,
Telegrafenberg, D-14412 Potsdam, Germany;
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Received 25 October 2013, revised 27 January 2014, accepted 31 January 2014.
The preparation of this paper was funded from the EU FP7 STAR-FLOOD Project (STrengthening And Redesigning European FLOOD risk practices: Towards appropriate and resilient flood risk governance arrangements). This project also provided funding for the author's participation at the BALTEX Conference.
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