Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences SOPOT


Short presentations of individual tasks, - results to now - Polish and Norwegian sides

  • Task 1
    Waldek Walczowski - Generally: about Atlantic Water, changes of properties, connection with climate,
  • Task 2
    Mirek Darecki - Optical measurements during ALBERT campaign performed by IOPAS
  • Task 3
    1. Marta Gluchowska - Comparison of zooplankton data from Magdalenefjorden and Hornsund (summer 2007) based on results presented during China conference: "Still enough Arctic zooplankton for Little Auks on Spitsbergen...BUT FOR HOW LONG?"
    2. Sławek Kwasniewski - Preliminary results on zooplankton after ALBERT campaign (Polish part only).
    3. Rafal Boehnke - Preliminary zooplankton results from Smeerenburg (summer 2008).
    4. Haakon Hop - Key players in the marine food web of Kongsfjorden
  • Task 4
    1. Kasia Wojczulanis-Jakubas & Darek Jakubas - Little Auk breeding and feeding ecology in Hornsund and Magdalenefjorden
    2. Adrian Zwolicki & Kasia Zmudczyńska - Ornithogenic tundra studies in Hornsund - preliminary results
    3. Lech Iliszko - New miniature GPS and T tag devices for Little Auks - technical parameters and state of works
    4. Joanna Szczucka - Preliminary acoustic research of diving arctic birds

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 17:30

  • Task 5
    Joanna Piwowarczyk - Administative information questions - possible answers
  • Tasks discussion continued
  • ALBERT results and concluding
  • Ledang AB, Falk-Petersen S, Svendsen H, , Labat J Ph, Mayzaud P. 2009. ALBERT - Coupled physical and biological processes related to mesoscale eddy field in Kongsfjorden, Isfjorden and adjacent shelf.
  • Dinner in Rucola (Sopot)

THURSDAY 9:00 - 13:00

  • Schedule for 2009 and 2010
  • Summer campaign OCEANIA - LANCE (joint meeting with BankMOD project)
    1. Kasia Blachowiak - Zooplankton planning - Oceania campaign for summer 2009;
    2. Emilia Trudnowska - Introduction to Laser Plankton Optical Counter (LOPC);
  • ALBERT results and recapitulation

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 17:00

  • Undertaken tasks - what are we obliged to produce - project indicators Discussion
  • 17:00 Adjourn, walk & dinner in Gdańsk

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