Literature (in chronological order)
- Stempniewicz L. 1980 Factors influencing the growth of the Little
Auk, Plautus alle (L), nestlings on Spitsbergen. Ekologia Polska 28,
- Stempniewicz L. 1981 Breeding biology of the Little Auk,
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1999 Summer feeding strategy of the little auk (Alle alle) from
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- Falk-Petersen S., Sargent J.R., Kwaśniewski S., Gulliksen B.
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- Jakubas D., Zmudczyńska K., Wojczulanis-Jakubas K.,
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- Wojczulanis-Jakubas K., Jakubas D., Stempniewicz L. 2008
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- Żmudczyńska K., Zwolicki A., Barcikowski M., Iliszko L.,
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- Welcher J., Harding A.M.A., Karnovsky N.J., Steen H., Strom
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