Eteone flava (Fabricius, 1780)
Synonyms: Nereis flava (Fabricius, 1780), Eteone sarsi (Malmgren, 1867),
Eteone depressa (Malmgren, 1865), Eteone flava (Bergström, 1914)
Size Up to 120 mm for 300 chaetigers. Color Alive animals rose-red to orange. Eyes dark red. Preserved animals varying from yellow to brownish, often with darker pigment present medially and laterally on prostomium, laterally on segment 1 and irregularly distributed on the body. Habitat Sediments with muddy sand and mud. Depth distribution uncertain due to possible confusion with other species. Mobility Mobile. Feeding Surface deposit feeder. Omnivore, predator, scavenger. Distribution Arctic-boreal, both Atlantic and Pacific |