NEEDED project presentation at 2nd International online PalaeoArc Conference on ‘Processes and Palaeo-environmental changes in the Arctic: from past to present’

On 27th of May 2021 NEEDED PhD student, Dhanushka Devendra (IOPAN), will present the main aims and objectives of the NEEDED project during poster session (Theme 3 - Dynamics of high latitude oceans and sea ice) at 2nd International PalaeoArc Conference on ‘Processes and Palaeo-environmental changes in the Arctic: from past to present’.

Devendra, D., Pawłowski, J., De Schepper, S., Krajewska, M., Łącka, M., Nguyen, N.-L., Pawłowska, J., Ray, J. L. , Simon, M. H., Telesiński, M., Weiner, A. K. M. & Zajączkowski, M.: Sedimentary ancient DNA - a new proxy to investigate the impact of environmental change on past and present biodiversity in Nordic Seas (NEEDED) - an overview of the research project, 2nd International PalaeoArc Conference on ‘Processes and Palaeo-environmental changes in the Arctic: from past to present’ 2021, online, 24-28 May 2021.

More details: PALAEOARC 2021 | Presentation abstract

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