Brada inhabilis (Rathke, 1843)
Siphonostoma inhabile Rathke,1843
Brada granulata Malmgren,1867
Brada granulata Haase, 1915
Brada inhabilis Støp-Bowitz, 1948
Distinguishing characteristics
U-shaped body, coated with fine sand.
Neuropodial chaetae of the first chaetiger equal or smaller then width of body.
Papillae rounded.
Species description
Body short and thick, U-shaped, without eyes. Epidermis densely papillated with round papillae, coated with fine sand. Prostomium and peristomium retractile, with 2 grooved palps and 6-8 filamentous branchiae in two groups. Notopodial chaetae very small, 0-4 per segment. Neuropodial chaetae of the first chaetiger capillary, the others 2-9 distally bent spines.
Up to 60 mm for 26 segments.
Alive orange.
In alcohol grey.
On sand, mud, gravel, mixed bottoms, between stones. Eulittoral to 3000 m.
Discretely motile.
Surface deposit feeder.
Facultative suspension feeder.
Life cycle
Arctic, North Pacific, North Atlantic, northern North Sea to Öresund.