Bushiella (Jugaria) quadrangularis (Stimpson, 1854)
Spirorbis quadrangularis Stimpson,1854
Spirorbis affinis Levinsen,1883
Distinguishing characteristics
Distal part of brood chamber domed, talon long.
Shape of tube.
Species description
Three thoracic chaetigers, up to 20 abdominal segments. Brood chamber, usually with embroyes present. Distal plate of primary operculum fused to top of brood chamber. Distal part of brood chamber domed, talon long. First notopodia with capillary chaetae and special collar chaetae with wings. Sickle chaetae on third thoracic notopodium. Thoracic uncini with two longitudinal rows of small teeth. Tube – white, calcareous, coiled clockwise, usually with 2 longitudinal ridges. One ridge towards the inside of the last whorl and another towards the periphery, giving a subquadrangular cross section.
Tube up to 2.5 mm in diameter.
0-280 m. On different types of substrate: stones, shells, algae, hydroids, Bryozoa, Decapoda, barnacles, Serpulidae tubes etc. Found with Paradexiospira vitrea, P. cancellata, Circeis armoricana, B. similis etc.
Suspension feeder.
Life cycle
Arctic- Atlantic-Pacific shelf species. Greenland Sea, Barents Sea, White Sea, Sea of Kara, Laptev Sea, East-Siberian Sea, Chukchi Sea and central Arctic zone.