Chaetozone jubata Chambers & Woodham, 2003
No synonyms.
Distinguishing characteristics
Pair of thick palps and 1 filamentous branchia dorsally on notopodia.
Very long capillary chaetae present from the 2nd chaetiger.
Posterior chaetigers with thick spines in a nearly complete ring around the segments.
Species description
Body long, cylindrical. Prostomium conical, no eyes. Peristomium achaetous, partially divided into 3 annuli. Pair of grooved tentacular palps originating from dorsal surface of posterior margin of posterior annulus. Long filamentous branchiae arising directly behind palps, absent in posterior segments. Anterior segments with long capillary chaetae, mid-body parapodia with long chaetae dorsally and ventrally thicker capillaries and spines. Very long capillary chaetae (2-3 times body width) present from the 2nd chaetiger. Posterior chaetigers with 12-14 thick spines in noto- and neuropodia forming a nearly complete ring around the segments. Well-defined constrictions (about half of chaetiger width) between posterior chaetigers. Pygidium with ventral, thin, scoop-shaped lobe.
Up to 8 mm for 50 segments.
Life cycle