Diplocirrus longisetosus (Marenzeller, 1890)
Stylarioides longisetosus Marenzeller, 1890
Stylarioides normani McIntosh, 1908
Diplocirrus longisetosus Støp-Bowitz,1948
Distinguishing characteristics
Body swollen in anterior 2/3.
With long, filamentous papillae.
Notochaetae equal or a little longer of body width.
Species description
Anterior 2/3of body swollen in, become narrow and cylindrical anteriorly. Epidermis covered with long, filamentous papillae, shorter ventrally. Prostomium and peristomium retractile, with flattened and slender cirriform branchiae. First chaetiger bears long, anteriorly directed annulated and iridescent chaetae. The notopodial chaetae on the following chaetigers annulated, shorter, but equal or a little longer of body width. Neuropodial chaetae shorter and stouter then notochaetae, annulated and bent at the tip. Longer and thinner in posterior part of body.
Up to 10 mm.
Shelf. Bathyal, infralittoral and circalittoral.
Discretely motile.
Surface deposit feeder.
Life cycle
Pan –Arctic.