Enipo torelli (Malmgren, 1865)
Nemidia lawrencii McIntosh, 1874
Nemidia torelli Malmgren, 1866
Distinguishing characteristics
Prostomium elongated, bilobed, with a peak on each lobe.
50 and more chaetigers, the posterior region without scales.
Species description
Body long, 50 and more chaetigers. Prostomium elongated, bilobed, with a peak on each lobe, median and lateral antennae with small papillae, and a pair of papillate palps. Two pair of small eyes, anterior pair on line of greatest width of prostomium. Body with 15 pairs of scales, leaving the posterior region uncovered. Scales smooth, margins not fringed with papillae, without tubercules. Notopodial chaetae mostly filamentous with a long spinose part and capillary tips. Neuropodial chaetae with long spines on the swollen terminal part and long, straight unidentate tips. Pygidium with dorsal anus and a pair of anal cirri.
Up to 30-50 mm.
Shelf species.
Carnivore. Omnivore
Life cycle
North West Atlantic, Spitsbergen.