Hauchiella tribullata (McIntosh, 1869)
Polycirrus tribullata McIntosh, 1869
Hauchiella peterseni Levinsen, 1893
Lysilla inermis Ehlers,1913
Hauchiella tribullata Hessle, 1917
Distinguishing characteristics
No chaetae.
No branchiae.
Species description
Body short, thick anteriorly, with secondary rings. Tentacucular ridge and upper lip fused, parallel, much folded. Tentacles numerous, comprised of very short thick, grooved ones, and thin cylindrical ones. Round, short projections with central papillae on segments 6-7, smaller ones on segments 4 and 5. Pygidium with two papillae.
Up to 50mm long.
In alcohol greyish brown or greyish mauve.
On mud, more or less mixed with sand or stones; 20-300 m.
Surface deposit feeder.
Facultative suspension feeder.
Life cycle
Cosmopolitan, Atlantic shelf, Shetland, southern Norway to Trondheimsfjorden, Tromso, Kattegat, Antarctic, Subantarctic Islands.