Leaena ebranchiata (M. Sars, 1865)
Terebella ebranchiata M. Sars,1865
Leaena abranchiata Malmgren,1866
Distinguishing characteristics
No branchiae.
Distinct lateral lobes on segments 2 and 3.
Uncini from the 2nd chaetigerous segment.
Notochaetae on 10 segments.
Species description
Body relatively short and firm, thorax cylindrical, abdomen tapering. Tentacles numerous, moderately long. Upper lip very low, enclosing mouth dorsally and laterally. No eyespots. No branchiae. 10 thoracic segments with capillary chaetae (from segment 4). Uncinigerous tori from segment 5, very long in anterior part of thorax. Uncini in double rows from segment 11 to segments 20-23. Tube – a thin layer of secretion incrusted with mud.
Up to 75 mm long.
5-1500 m, most common in shallow waters.
Surface deposit feeder.
Facultative suspension feeder.
Life cycle
Arctic and Pacific shelf, East Greenland, Svalbard, Iceland, Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, northern Norway, Labrador, West Greenland, Canadian and Alaskan Arctic, Kola Peninsula, Novaya Zemlya, Kara Sea, Bering Sea, Japan Sea, Alaskan Pacific, Antarctic.