Melinna elisabethae McIntosh, 1922
No synonyms.
Distinguishing characteristics
A pair of stout dorsal hooks behind the branchiae.
Species description
Prostomium without lobes, usually with eyespots. Branchiae in two groups separated by a distance of about one branchial base and connected by a membrane; three branchiae of each group in an oblique row slanting posteriorly towards middorsum, the fourth branchia in front of the middle one of the three. A pair of stout, strongly curved, dorsal hooks behind the branchiae. Hooks are darker then M. cristata’s. A brim with sharp points across the dorsum behind the hooks. 16 thoracic segments with notopodia with chaetae, the posterior 14 also with neuropodia with uncini. To 72 uncinigerous abdominal segments. Tube – two time longer then worm, much more thin then M. cristata ones. Anterior part of them incrusted with shell fragments, Spiochaetopterus tubes, small stones, etc, transversely arranged and protruding out of the clay.
Up to 55 mm.
In alcohol pink.
On sand or mud. 12-2900 m.
Surface deposit feeder.
Facultative suspension feeder.
Life cycle
Arctic-Atlantic-Pacific shelfs, North Pacific, North Atlantic at least to the Skagerrak, possibly to Bay of Kiel.