Travisia forbesii Johnston, 1840
Travisia forbesii Johnston, 1840
Ophelia mamillata Oersted, 1843
Ammotrypane oestoides Rathke, 1843
Distinguishing characteristics
Ventral groove absent.
Branchiae from chaetiger 3, absent in the last 6.
Pygidium with 3-8 short, rounded papillae.
Species description
Body short, fusiform with a conical head, circular in cross section anteriorly, but without a clear ventral groove in the posterior part. Body indistinctly divided into 2 regions. Anterior part with 12-16 triannulate segments, posterior part often retracted, with 7-11 biannulate segments. Parapodia inconspicuous, chaetae fine and short. Finger-like branchiae from the chaetiger 3 and absent in the last 6 chaetigers. Pygidium short, with 3-8 short, rounded papillae.
Up to 9 mm for 32 segments.
Pink to flesh-coloured. This species gives of a strong garlic-like smell when collected.
On sand.
Upper sublittoral.
0-3000 m.
Surface deposit feeder.
Life cycle
Arctic, North Pacific, North Atlantic, North Sea to Baltic.