Trichobranchus roseus (Malm, 1874)
Filibranchus roseus Malm, 1874
Trichobranchus roseus Hessle, 1917
Distinguishing characteristics
Two pairs of filiform branchiae.
Pair of large lobes on buccal segment.
Two types of tentacles (short thick and thin cylindrical).
Species description
Tentacles numerous, comprised of short thick, furrowed ones, and thin cylindrical ones. uccal segment laterally with a pair of large, thin lobes, ventrally cushionlike. Two pairs of filiform branchiae on segment 2 and 3. 15 chaetigerous thoracic segments. Notochaetae from segment 6. Uncinigerous tori from segment 6. Thoracic uncini with long shafts. Apparently no distinct tube.
Up to 35 mm long.
Alive: pink. In alcohol whitish.
Mainly on mud, more or less mixed with sand, pebbles or shells. 10-500 m. Some H2S seems to be tolerated.
Surface deposit feeder.
Facultative suspension feeder.
Life cycle
Western Scotland. In other areas uncertain due to confusion with Trichobranchus glacialis. Barents Sea, The Faeroes, North Sea, Norwegian coast to Tromsö, Skagerrak, Kattegat, the Öresund.