- Arctic as a territory of the Russian-Poland dialogue. (A. Fedotovskikh, pdf)
- Arctic in Russia: trends of scientific research and public perception. (M. Gantsevich, pptx)
- What do youngsters know about the Arctic? Results from the EDU-ARCTIC survey. (A. Goździk, pdf)
- Science and tourism: towards coproduction? (M. Lamers, pdf)
- Life of the native inhabitants of the Arctic through literature. (Z. Lyčka, pdf)
- Some remarks about political relevance of (doing) Arctic research in non-Arctic nations. (M. Łuszczuk, pdf)
- Paradoxes of anthropopression. Human presence in polar regions. (H. Mamzer, pdf)
- Polar science in Lithuania. First steps. (S. Olenin, pdf)
- Societal relevance of polar psychology researches. (A. Skorupa, pdf)
- What Poles have to do with the Arctic? (J. M. Węsławski, ppt)
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We have proposed the simple questionaire to check the popularity of polar versus other exotic areas - the results will be displayed soon. Filled questionaires from Poland - 1 and 2:
Example of questionaire analyses
Figure shows that level of knowledge and positive emotions is highest for "jungle" and lowest for "desert". Polar areas are relatively well known yet not very emotionally attractive. Look at the original questionaires for the unprocessed data.
J.M.Wesławski, IO PAN, email: