In the Arctic Ocean, especially in the deep layers measurements by LADCP are difficult, because of low amount of particles in the water (weak backscattering). Therefore during the 2008 cruises two LADCP devices were used, both RDI 300 kHz WHS300. In the basic configuration devices were synchronized: upper (slave) and down looking (master) LADCPs were connected by RDI Star-cable. Sampling rate was 1 s, 1 ping/assemble, 20 bins, 10 m thick each. Because of problems with equipment, configuration has been changed during the 2008-30 cruise and later the measurements were carried by means of one, down looking LADCP.
Processing of raw data were done by means of LDEO IX software for Matlab. Profiles were averaged every 20m. Because of the very weak signal and increased error, filtration and smoothing of data were much higher than usually. CTD and GPS data were used in LADCP processing.