EU - Research Program
COSA - "Coastal Sands as Biocatalytical Filters"
Permeable sands cover approximately 70% of the shelf area, and through their resources in fishing
grounds, raw materials, water, oil, gas, and tourist beaches, have high economical value.
Coastal sands are exposed to polluted near shore waters, and despite low organic content, can
exhibit high mineralization rates similar to those found in organic-rich marine deposits.
Although this has important implications for the functioning of coastal ecosystems, the role of
sands in the cycles of matter has not been assessed and is not considered in coastal management
COSA addresses this problem and is designed to improve sustainable use of coastal sandy sea floors
The project is funded by the "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" programme
under the 5th framework programme of the European Community
for research, technological development and demonstration activities.
It is part of the EU Project Cluster on "European Land-Ocean
Interaction Studies" (ELOISE),
the European input to the international "International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme"
core project "Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone"
Contact: information@eu-cosa.org
EC Numbers: EVK3-2001-00183, EVK3-CT-2002-00076