The variables measured
The variable measured in the acoustic experiments is the voltage on the electroacoustic receiver, proportional to the pressure of the ultrasonic wave detected in the water column. This parameter allows to determine different acoustic properties of the sea medium like backscettreing strength, reflection coefficient, noise intensity etc.
Recoreded parameters:
The file include header and main data set:
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Date (day, month, year)
- Time (hour, minute, second)
- Type of echosounder
- Frequency of echosunder, gain, TVG, range
- Depth of transducer, power, pulse length
- A/D converter
- Number of first & last sample in echo
- Min & max depth of sampling
- Sound speed
- Number of recording echoes
- Number of nonrecording echoes (pause)
(number of echoes) x (number of samples) voltage