This is Piotr Kowalczuk's home page.

Piotr photo





Took part in professional courses:
Part time teaching at: For 1992 I have taken part in many research cruises on the Baltic Sea. and the Arctic Expedition (July-August 1992). I was involved in two European Union MAST III Programmes BIOCOLOR and PROVES I have been working for 2 years (2001-2003)as Associate Research Scientist for Coastal Ocean Research and Monitoring Program at the Center for Marine Science University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

Experienced with:

My study and research interest include:


1. 2024 - 2027 - "Optical proxies of essential biogeochemical variables and their application in the accuracy assessment of satellite ocean color remote sensing in the North-eastern Greenland shelf. - OptiCal-Green" Project funded by the National Science Centre (NCN) Poland, under contratc no. UMO-2023/51/B/ST10/01344. Project coordinator. Funds awarded: 2 947 50 PLN.

2. 2021-2023 - "Monitoring and parameterization of fitoplankton dynamics in the European Sector of the Arctic Ocean - MOPAR". Project funded by the National Science Centre (NCN) Poland. under contratc no. UMO-2020/37/K/ST10/03254. in the framework of the POLS call supported through EEA and Norway Grants "Research" program and awarded to dr Alexandra Cherksheva. Project co-PI and mentor for international post-doc. Funds awarded: 871 875 PLN/ 198 555 Euro.

3. 2021-2023 - "Microbial Dissolved Organic Matter utilisation at the near-sediment waters in the Baltic Sea Deeps - DOMUSe". Project funded by the National Science Centre (NCN) Poland. under contratc no. UMO-2020/37/K/ST10/03018. in the framework of the POLS call supported through EEA and Norway Grants "Research" program and awarded to dr Alexandra Loginova. Project co-PI and mentor for international post-doc. Funds awarded: 868 750 PLN/ 197 843 Euro.

4. 2020 - 2024 - "Estimation of diffusion coefficient of dissolved organic matter from sediments to overlying waters through relationships between its optical and chromatographic characteristics and dissolved iron in Baltic Sea deeps - DiSeDOM." Project funded by the National Science Centre (NCN) Poland. under contratc no. UMO-2019/33/B/ST10/01232. Project coordinator. Funds awarded: 1 102 940 PLN.

5. 2020 - 2021 - "Novel Tracers of Arctic Carbon and water exchange in the Fram Strait - NoTAC." Transnational Access (TNA) shiptime project funded through H2020 An international collaboration strategy for meeting the needs of marine based research in the Arctic – ARICE project. Project coordinator: dr Rafael Gonçalves-Araujo. DTU Aqua. co-PI. dr Piotr Kowalczuk. IOPAN. Funds awarded: 32 000 Euro.

6. 2019 - 2023 - "An alliance of European marine research infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of the research and industrial communities - EUROFLEETS+". H2020 project funded under the Infrastructures initiative. grant agreement 824077. Project coordinators: dr Niamh Flavin Marine Institute. dr Piotr Kowalczuk . researcher. Funds awarded to IOPAN: 26 499 Euro.

7. 2019 - 2020 - "In-Situ Fluorescence for Detection of Oil Leaks from Shipwrecks in the Gulf of Gdansk." Project for bilateral exchange of academic staff funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) in the framework of PHC Polonium Program. Project coordinators: dr Piotr Kowalczuk. IOPAN and dr Stéphane Mounier Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography - Marine Environment Chemistry (CEM). Funds awarded: 22 000 PLN.

8. 2019 - 2021 - “Freshwater inputs to Svalbard's coastal waters: Fluxes. fate. and implications for coastal ecosystems - FreshFate.” Project funded by Fram Centre. Project coordinator dr Amanda Poste Norwegian Institute for Water Research. co-PI. dr Piotr Kowalczuk. IOPAN. Funds awarded: 60 000 NOK.

9. 2019-2020 - "Monitoring Darkening of Svalbard Fjords from space -DarkFjords." Project funded by the Svalbards miljøvernfond ‐ Sysselmannen på Svalbard. Project coordinator. Funds awarded: 100 000 NOK

10. 2013-2016 - "Sources and transformations of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter and its role in surface ocean heating and carbon cycling in Nordic Seas and European Arctic." CDOM-HEAT This project is funded from Norway Grants in the Polish-Norwegian Research Programme operated by the National Centre for Research and Development. Contract Pol-Nor/197511/40/2013 dated 18 September 2013. Project coordinator. Funds awarded: 3 957 917 PLN.

11. 2012-2014 - Nordic Network for Baltic Sea Remote Sensing - NordBaltRemS networking project funded by Nordic Council. coordinator Dr Susanne Kratzer Researcher. Assistant Professor. Stockholm University. Department of Systems Ecology. Stockholm. Sweden; Member of the organizing committee.

12. 2009-2014 - "Satellite Monitoring of the Baltic Sea environment. SatBałtyk." project co-funded by the European Union within the framework of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme. no. POIG.01.01.02-22-011/09- 00 - leader of the Task S1.16

13. 2010-2013 - "Optical model of productivity of Baltic Sea waters for application in autonomous measurements system" - research project N N306 141038 funded by the National Science Centre - Researcher

14. 2009-2013 - EUROFLEETS. Towards an alliance of European Research Fleets. project funded by the European Union within 7 Framework Program. contract nr 228344 - Researcher.

15. 2012 - Sources and transformation of coloured dissolved organic material (CDOM) in Atlantic Ocean - Atlantic CDOM" - grant for shiptime opportunity on r/v Polarstern within the EUROFLEETS Project no. 228344. Principle investigator; Funds awarded: 116 637 PLN.

6. 2009-2012 - "Source and transformation of chromophoric dissolved organic matter along the Atlantic Meridional Transect. Assessment with application of measurements of fluorescence excitation emission matrix spectra. AMT-CDOM" - international collaboration project no. 546/N-AMT-CDOM/2009/0 funded by the National Science Centre- Principle investigator. funds awarded: 604 800 PLN.

17. 2008-2011 "Development and testing of the integrated observation system for observation of episodic events in the Baltic Sea - detection and warning against the harmfool algea blooms" - development project funded by National Centre for Research and Development . contract no. 14-0004-04. Researcher.

18. 2008-2011 - "NordAquaRemS - NORDic network for AQUAtic REMote Sensing". Funded by Nordic Council. coordinator Dr Susanne Kratzer Researcher. Assistant Professor. Stockholm University. Department of Systems Ecology. Stockholm. Sweden; - Member of the organizing committee.

19. 2007-2010 - Spectral properties of absorption and fluorescence of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Baltic Sea and its relationships with concentration of Dissolved Organic Carbon. - project no. N 306 2942 33 funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Principle investigator. funds awarded: 190 000 PLN.


Book chapters:

1. Belkin. I. M.. S. Aliani. M. B. Alkire. T. H. Badewien. M. Berta. G. S. D. Gómez. S. K. Eliasen. J. Elken. A. Griffa. N. Gruber. C. Guéguen. H. Hátún. R. Karri. P. Kowalczuk. K. M. H. Larsen. I. Marinov. M. Mathis. J. Meyerjürgens. A. Molcard. T. Nagai. T. M. Özgökmen. J. B. Palter. I. Polyakov. R. Rember. M. Ricker. J. L. Sarmiento. E. V. Stanev. G. Suaria. Ü. Suursaar. S. Takahashi. S. Tanabe. Q.-S. Wei. and E. Zambianchi. 2022. Introduction to the Chemical Oceanography of Frontal Zones. [in:] I. M. Belkin (Ed.) Chemical Oceanography of Frontal Zones. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. Heidelberg. Vol. 116. 1-23.

2. Guėguen C.. and P. Kowalczuk. 2022. Coloured dissolved organic matter in frontal zones. [in:] I. M. Belkin (Ed.) Chemical Oceanography of Frontal Zones. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. Heidelberg. 283–317.

3. Pavlov. A. K.. E. Leu. D. Hanelt. I. Bartsch. U. Karsten. S. R. Hudson. J. C. Gallet. F. Cottier. J. H. Cohen. J. Berge. G. Johnsen. M. Maturilli. P. Kowalczuk. S. Sagan. J. Meler. and M. A. Granskog. 2019. The underwater light climate in Kongsfjorden and its ecological implications. [in:] H. Hop. C. Wiencke (eds) The ecosystem of Kongsfjorden. Svalbard. Advances in Polar Ecology 2. Springer Science+Business Media. Dordrecht. Chapter 5. pp. 137-170.

4. Kratzer S.. P. Kowalczuk. and S. Sagan. 2017. Bio-optical water quality assessment. [in:] P. Snoeijs. H. Schubert. and T. Radziejewska (Eds.) Biological Oceanography of the Baltic Sea. Springer Science+Business Media. Dordrecht. Chapter 15. 527-545.

Refereed papers in journals:

1. Terzić E., M. Zabłocka, A. N. Loginova, K. Borzycka, and P. Kowalczuk, 2024. Estimation of net accumulation and removal of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in different Baltic Sea water masses. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11:1379604

2. Lønborg, C., C. Carreira, G. Abril, S. Agustí, V. Amaral, A. Andersson, J. Arístegui, P. Bhadury, M. B. Bif, A. V. Borges, S. Bouillon, M. Ll. Calleja, L. C. Cotovicz Jr. S. Cozzi, M. Doval, C. M. Duarte, B. Eyre, C. G. Fichot, E. E. García-Martín, A. Garzon-Garcia, M. Giani, R. Gonçalves-Araujo, R. Gruber, D. A. Hansell, F. Hashihama, D. He, J. M. Holding, W. R. Hunter, J. S. P. Ibánhez, V. Ibello, S. Jiang, G. Kim, K. Klun, P. Kowalczuk, A. Kubo, C.-W. Lee, C. B. Lopes, F. Maggioni, P. Magni, C. Marrase, P. Martin, S. L. McCallister, R. McCallum, P. M. Medeiros, X. A. G. Morán, F. E. Muller-Karger, A. Myers-Pigg, M. Norli, J. M. Oakes, H. Osterholz, H. Park, M. Lund Paulsen, J. A. Rosentreter, J. D. Ross, D. Rueda-Roa, C. Santinelli, Y. Shen, E. Teira, T. Tinta, G. Uher, M. Wakita, N. Ward, K. Watanabe, Y. Xin, Y. Yamashita, L. Yang, J. Yeo, H. Yuan, Q. Zheng, and X. A. Álvarez-Salgado, 2024. A global database of dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentration measurements in coastal waters (CoastDOM v1). Earth System Science Data, 16, 1107–1119.

3. Gonçalves-Araujo. R., M. A. Granskog, C. L. Osburn, P. Kowalczuk, and C. A. Stedmon, 2023. A Pan-Arctic Algorithm to Estimate Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations From Colored Dissolved Organic Matter Spectral Absorption. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(21): e2023GL105028

4. Cahill. B. E., P. Kowalczuk, L. Kritten, U. Gräwe, J. Wilkin, and J. Fischer, 2023. Estimating the seasonal impact of optically significant water constituents on surface heating rates in the western Baltic Sea. Biogeosciences, 20(13). 2743–2768

5. Petit. T., B. Hamre, H. Sandven, R. Röttgers, P. Kowalczuk, M. Zabłocka, and M. A. Granskog, 2022. Inherent optical properties of dissolved and particulate matter in an Arctic fjord (Storfjorden. Svalbard) in early summer. Ocean Science, 18. 455–468.

6. Konik. M.. M. Darecki. A. K. Pavlov. S. Sagan. and P. Kowalczuk. 2021. Darkening of the Svalbard Fjords waters observed with satellite ocean color imagery in 1997 - 2019. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:699318.

7. Terzić. E., A. Miró, E. Organelli, P. Kowalczuk, F. D’Ortenzio, and P. Lazzari, 2021. Radiative transfer modeling with Biogeochemical-Argo float data in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 26(10). art. no. e2021JC017690 .

8. Zabłocka, M., P. Kowalczuk, J. Meler, K. Dragańska-Deja, I. Peeken, and A. Winogradow, 2020. Compositional differences of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in Arctic Ocean spring sea ice and surface waters north of Svalbard. Marine Chemistry, 227. art. no. 103893.

9. Konik, M., P. Kowalczuk, M. Zabłocka, A. Makarewicz, J. Meler, A.Zdun, and M. Darecki, 2020. Empirical Relationships between Remote-Sensing Reflectance and Selected Inherent Optical Properties in Nordic Sea SurfaceWaters for the MODIS and OLCI Ocean Colour Sensors. Remote Sensing. 12(17). art. no. 2774.

10. Kowalczuk, P., S. Sagan, A. Makarewicz, J. Meler, K. Borzycka, M. Zabłocka. A. Zdun, M. Konik, M. Darecki, M. A. Granskog, and A. K. Pavlov, 2019. Bio-optical properties of surface waters in the Atlantic Water inflow region off Spitsbergen (Arctic Ocean). Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 124(3). 1964-1987.

11. Drozdowska. V., P. Kowalczuk, M. Konik, and L. Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, 2018. Study on different fractions of organic molecules in the Baltic Sea surface microlayer by spectrophoto- and spectrofluorimetry methods. Frontiers in Marine Science. 5:456.

12. Makarewicz, A., P. Kowalczuk, S. Sagan, M. A. Granskog, A. K. Pavlov, A. Zdun, K. Borzycka, and M. Zabłocka, 2018. Characteristics of Chromophoric and Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter in the Nordic Seas. Ocean Science, 14. 543–562.

13. Mielnik, L., P. Kowalczuk, 2018. Optical characteristic of humic acids from lake sediments by excitation-emission matrix fluorescence with PARAFAC model. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 18(8). 2851–2862. doi:

14. Drozdowska, V., I. Wróbel, P. Markuszewski, P. Makuch, A. Raczkowska, and P. Kowalczuk, 2017. Study on organic matter fractions in the surface microlayer in the Baltic Sea by spectrophotometric and spectrofluorometric methods. Ocean Science, 13. 633-647.

15. Kowalczuk, P., J. Meler, H. Kauko, A. K. Pavlov, M. Zabłocka, I. Peeken, C. Dybwad, G. Castellani, and M. A. Granskog, 2017. Bio-optical properties of Arctic drift ice and surface waters north of Svalbard from winter to spring. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 122(6). 4634–466.

16. Meler, J., P. Kowalczuk, M. Ostrowska, D. Ficek, M. Zabłocka. A.Zdun. 2016. Parameterization of the light absorption properties of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Baltic Sea and Pomeranian Lakes. Ocean Science. 12. 1013–1032.

17. Pavlov, A. K., C. A. Stedmon, A. V. Semushin, T. Martma, B. V. Ivanov, P. Kowalczuk, M. A. Granskog, 2016. Linkages between the circulation and distribution of dissolved organic matter in the White Sea. Arctic Ocean. Continental Shelf Research, 119. 1–13.

18. Drozdowska, V., P. Kowalczuk, M. Józefowicz, 2015. Spectrofluorometric characteristics of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in a surface microlayer in the Southern Baltic coastal waters. Journal of European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, 10. paper no. 15050. 8 pp.

19. Granskog, M. A., A. K. Pavlov, S. Sagan, P. Kowalczuk, A. Raczkowska, C. A. Stedmon, 2015. Effect of sea-ice melt on inherent optical properties and vertical distribution of solar radiant heating in Arctic surface waters. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 120(10). 7028–7039.

20. Kowalczuk, P., S. Sagan, M. Zabłocka, K. Borzycka, 2015. Mixing anomaly in deoxygenated Baltic Sea deeps indicates benthic flux and microbial transformation of chromophoric and fluorescent dissolved organic matter. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 163(B). 206–217.

21. Kowalczuk, P., G. H. Tilstone, M. Zabłocka, R. Röttgers, and R. Thomas, 2013. Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter along an Atlantic Meridional Transect from fluorescence spectroscopy and Parallel Factor Analysis. Marine Chemistry. 157. 170–184.

22. Łysiak-Pastuszak, E., M. Bartoszewicz, K. Bradtke, M. Darecki, N. Drgas, P. Kowalczuk, W. Krasniewski, A. Krężel, W. Krzymiński, L. Lewandowski, H. Mazur-Marzec, B. Piliczewski, S. Sagan, K. Sutryk, B. Witek, 2012. A study of episodic events in the Baltic Sea - combined in situ and satellite observations. Oceanologia, 54(2). 121-141.

23. Durako, M. J., P. Kowalczuk, M. A. Mallin, W. J. Cooper, J. J. Souza and D. H. Wells, 2010. Interannual variation in photosynthetically significant optical properties and water quality in a coastal blackwater river plume. Estuaries and Coasts, 33. 1430-1441.

24. Kowalczuk, P., M. Zabłocka, S. Sagan and K. Kuliński, 2010. Fluorescence measured in situ as a proxy of CDOM absorption and DOC concentration in the Baltic Sea. Oceanologia, 52(3). 431-471.

25. Kowalczuk, P., M. Darecki, M. Zabłocka and I. Górecka, 2010. Validation of empirical and semi-analytical remote sensing algorithms for estimating absorption by Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in the Baltic Sea from SeaWiFS and MODIS imagery. Oceanologia., 52(2). 171-196.

26. Kowalczuk, P., W. J. Cooper, M. J. Durako, A. E. Kahn, M. Gonsior and H. Young, 2010. Characterization of dissolved organic matter fluorescence in the South Atlantic Bight with use of PARAFAC model: Relationships between fluorescence and its components. absorption coefficients and organic carbon concentrations. Marine Chemistry, 118. 22-36 .

27. Kowalczuk, P., M. J. Durako, H. Young, A. E. Kahn, W. J. Cooper and M. Gonsior, 2009. Characterization of dissolved organic matter fluorescence in the South Atlantic Bight with use of PARAFAC model: Interannual variability Marine Chemistry, 113. 182-196 .

28. Gonsior, M., B. M. Peake, W. J. Cooper, R. Jaffé, H. Young, A. E. Kahn and P. Kowalczuk, 2008. Spectral characterization of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in a fjord (Doubtful Sound. New Zealand) Aquatic Sciences. 70(4). 397-409.

29. Kowalczuk, P., M. J. Durako, W. J. Cooper, D. Wells and J. J. Souza, 2006. Comparison of radiometric quantities measured in water. above water and derived from SeaWiFS imagery in the South Atlantic Bight. North Carolina. USA. Continental Shelf Research., 26. 2433-2453.

30. Kowalczuk, P., C. A. Stedmon and S. Markager, 2006. Modelling absorption by CDOM in the Baltic Sea from season. salinity and chlorophyll. Marine Chemistry, 101. 1-11.

31. Kowalczuk, P., J. Stoń-Egiert, W. J. Cooper, R. F. Whitehead and M. J. Durako, 2005. Characterization of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in the Baltic Sea by Excitation Emission Matrix fluorescence spectroscopy. Marine Chemistry, 96. 273-292.

32. Kowalczuk, P., J. Olszewski, M. Darecki and S. Kaczmarek, 2005. Empirical relationships between Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) absorption and apparent optical properties in Baltic Sea waters. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(2). 345-370.

33. Kowalczuk, P., W. J. Cooper, R. F. Whitehead, M. J. Durako and W. Sheldon, 2003. Characterization of CDOM in organic rich river and surrounding coastal ocean in the South Atlantic Bight. Aquatic Sciences, 65(4). 384-401.

34. Darecki, M., A. Weeks, S. Sagan, P. Kowalczuk and S. Kaczmarek, 2003. Optical characteristics of two contrasting case 2 waters and their influence on remote sensing algorithms. Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 23(3-4). 237-250.

35. Schwarz, J. N., P. Kowalczuk, S. Kaczmarek, G. F. Cota, B. G. Mitchell, M. Kahru, F. P. Chavez, A. Cunningham, D. McKee, P. Gege, M. Kishino, D. A. Phiney and R. Raine, 2002. Two models for absorption by coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Oceanologia, 44(2), 209-241.

36. Olszewski, J. and P. Kowalczuk, 2000. Sky glint correction in measurements of upward radiance above the sea surface. Oceanologia, 42(2). 251-262.

37. Drozdowska V. and P. Kowalczuk. 1999. Response of lidar-induced fluorescence signal to yellow substance absorption. Oceanologia, 41(4). 601-608.

38. Kowalczuk P.. 1999. Seasonal variability of yellow substance absorption in the surface layer of the Baltic Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 104(C12). p. 30 047-30 058.

39. Olszewski, J., P. Kowalczuk and M. Darecki. 1999. In-water remote sensing algorithms for the detection of chlorophyll and yellow substances in the Pomeranian Bay. Oceanologia, 41(3), 461-474.

40. Kowalczuk, P., S. Sagan, J. Olszewski, M. Darecki and R. Hapter, 1999. Seasonal changes in selected optical parameters in the Pomeranian Bay in 1996-1997. Oceanologia, 41(3). 309-334.

41. Kowalczuk, P. and S. Kaczmarek, 1996. Analysis of temporal and spatial variability of "yellow substance" absorption in the Southern Baltic. Oceanologia, 38(1). 3-32.

42. Olszewski, J., P. Kowalczuk, and M. Darecki, 1995. On usefulness of data from NOAA-AVHRR satellite system for estimation of water components content in the Baltic. SiMO 68. Marine Physics 8. 51-60.

43. Darecki, M., J. Olszewski and P. Kowalczuk, 1995. A preliminary study of the spectral characteristics of the upward radiance field in the surface layer of the Baltic. An empirical algorithm for remote detection of chlorophyll concentration. SiMO 68. Marine Physics 8. 27-49.

44. Darecki, M., P. Kowalczuk, S. Sagan, and A. Krężel, 1993. Chlorophyll vs. AVHRR satellite data during Skagex Experiment. SiMO 64. Marine Pollution 3. 49-59.

Conferences communication:

1. Darecki M. and P. Kowalczuk. 2010. Application of ocean color remote sensing in monitoring of the Southern Baltic Sea ecosystem. [in:] V. Barale. J.F.R. Gower. L. Alberotanza. (eds.). Proceedings of "Oceans form Space" Symposium. 26-30 April 2010. Venice. Italy. 71-72.

2. Kowalczuk P.. M. Darecki. M. Zabłocka. I. Górecka. 2008. Validation of various remote sensing algorithms for estimation of absorption by Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in the Baltic Sea from SeaWiFS and MODIS imagery. Ocean Optics XIX Conference.CD-ROM. Paper no OO08461.16 pp.. 6-10 October 2008. Barga. Italy.

3. Kowalczuk P.. W. J. Cooper. M. J. Durako. H. Young and A. E. Kahn. 2006. Observations of Inter-annual Variability of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) Composition in the South Atlantic Bight Using PARAFAC Analysis. Ocean Optics XVIII Conference.CD-ROM. paper no. 47. 17 pp. Montreal. Canada. 9 - 13 October 2006.

4. Durako M. J.. P. Kowalczuk. J. J. Souza. M. A. Mallin and M. R. McIver. 2002. Spatial and temporal variation in CDOM in a coastal blackwater river plume. [in:] Steven G. Ackleson; Ed.. Proceedings of Ocean Optics XVI Conference. paper no. 18. 10 pp.. Santa Fe. New Mexico. USA. 18-22 November 2002.

5. Kowalczuk P.. M. J. Durako and W. J. Cooper. 2002. Comparison of radiometric quantities measured in water and above water and derived from SeaWiFS imagery in Onslow Bay and Cape Fear River Plume area. [in:] Steven G. Ackleson; Ed.. Proceedings of Ocean Optics XVI Conference. paper no. 174. 16 pp.. Santa Fe. New Mexico. USA. 18-22 November 2002.

6. Schwarz J.. P. Gege. P. Kowalczuk. S. Kaczmarek. R. Raine. A. Cunningham and D. Mckee. 2001. Two models for Gelbstoff absorption. [in:] 4th Berlin Workshop on Ocean Remote Sensing. Berlin May 30 - June 01. 2001 ed. by Remote Sensing Technology Institute. DLR. p. 73-82.

7. Darecki M.. J. Olszewski. R. Hapter and P. Kowalczuk. 2000. Relationships between remote sensing reflectance and some water constituents in the Baltic Sea. Application to the ocean colour algorithms. [in:] Steven G. Ackleson; Ed.. Proceedings of Ocean Optics XV Conference. paper no. 1083. 8 pp.. Monte Carlo. Monaco. 16-20 October 2000.

8. Sagan S.. P. Kowalczuk. A. Beszczynska-Moller and R. Hapter. 2000. The influence of summer hydrological regime of glaciated fjord of Spitsbergen on water optical properties. [in:] Steven G. Ackleson; Ed.. Proceedings of Ocean Optics XV Conference. paper no. 1044. 5 pp.. Monte Carlo. Monaco. 16-20 October 2000.

9. Schwarz J. N.. M. Darecki. S. Kaczmarek. P. Kowalczuk. I. S. Robinson and A. R. Weeks. 1998. High spectral resolution optical data for monitoring water quality in Case II (coastal) waters. [in:] Steven G. Ackleson; Ed.. Proceedings of Ocean Optics XIV Conference. paper no. 1141. 13 pp.. Kailua Kona. Hawaii. USA. 10-13 November 1998

10. Kowalczuk P. and M. Darecki. 1998. The relative share of light absorption by yellow substances in total light absorption in the surface layer of southern Baltic sea. [in:] Steven G. Ackleson; Ed.. Proceedings of Ocean Optics XIV Conference. paper no. 1052. 9 pp.. Kailua Kona. Hawaii. USA. 10-13 November 1998

11. Kowalczuk P.. 1997. Seasonal variability of the yellow substance absorption in the euphotic zone in the case II waters (Baltic Sea). [in:] Earth Surface Remote Sensing. Giovanna Cecchi. Edwin T. Engman. Eugenio Zilioli; Editors. SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3222. pp. 435-443. SPIE Europto The European Symposium on Aerospace Remote Sensing. 22-25 September 1997. London. Great Britain.

12. Darecki M. and P. Kowalczuk. 1997. Upwelled spectral radiance distribution in relation to yellow substance absorption in the example of Case II waters (Baltic Sea). [in] Steven G. Ackleson; Ed.. SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2963. pp. 386-391. Ocean Optics XIII. 22-26 October 1996. Halifax. Canada.

13. Darecki M.. J. Olszewski and P. Kowalczuk. 1994. Spectral characteristics of diffusive reflection coefficient in the Southern Baltic. latest experimental studies. [in:] Proceedings of the 19th Conference of the Baltic Oceanographers. pp 137-148. 29 August- 1 September 1994. Sopot. Poland.

14. Sagan S.. P. Kowalczuk and M. Zajaczkowski. 1993. Optical properties of waters around Svalbard and Franz Josef Land. [in:] Underwater Light Measurements. Hans Chr. Eilertsen. Ed.. SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2048. pp. 64-73. International Symposium on High Latitude Optics. 27 June-2 July 1993. Tromso. Norway.

Conferences presentations:

1. Kowalczuk P.. M. Zabłocka. S. Sagan and M. Darecki. 2012. Vertical distribution of CDOM photobleaching action spectra under natural illumination conditions in distinct water bodies of Atlantic Ocean. Ocean Optics XXI Conference. 7 - 12 October 2012. Glasgow. Great Britain. Poster presentation. (poster pdf file).

2. Sagan. S. and P. Kowalczuk. 2012. Decomposition of total light absorption in Baltic waters - towards predicting of primary production by phytoplankton pigments absorption. Ocean Optics XXI Conference. 7 - 12 October 2012. Glasgow. Great Britain. Poster presentation.

3. Kowalczuk. P.. M. Zabłocka. R. Röttgers. G. H. Tilstone. 2012. Compostion of the Dissolved Organic Matter along the Atalntic Meridional Transect with use of fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012. 20-24 February 2012. Salt Lake City. Utah. USA. Abstract ID:9596. (poster pdf file).

4. Zabłocka. M.. and P. Kowalczuk. 2012. Assement of the Dissolved Organic Matter composition in the Southern Baltic Sea waters with use of fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012. 20-24 February 2012. Salt Lake City. Utah. USA. Abstract ID:9398.

5. Sagan S.; M. Darecki. P. Kowalczuk.. 2010. Small scale optical variability over the long distances - application of versatile on-board flow-through system for underway observing of spatial distribution of surface water optical properties. Ocean Optics XX Conference. 26 September - 1 October 2010. Anchorage. Alaska. USA. Poster presentation.

6. Zabłocka M.. P. Kowalczuk. 2010. Preliminary assessment of the Dissolved Organic Matter composition in the Southern Baltic Sea waters with use of the fluorescence spectroscopy and Parallel Factor Analysis. International Training Workshop on Organic Matter Characterization Using Spectroscopic Techniques. 19-21 May 2010. University of Granada. Granada. Spain. Poster presentation.

7. Zabłocka M.. P .Kowalczuk . B. Lednicka. J. Meler. A. Zdun. S. Sagan. 2009. In situ measured fluorescence with use of TRIOS Micro_Flu_CDOM fluorometer as a proxy of CDOM absorption and DOC concentration in the Baltic Sea. International workshop on Remote sensing and water optics specifically for Baltic Sea conditions. August 20th - 21st. 2009. Tallinn. Estonia. Poster presentation. (poster jpg file)

8. Kowalczuk P. 2009. Long term observations of CDOM absorption in the Baltic Sea. From discrete samples to remote sensing. International workshop on Remote sensing and water optics specifically for Baltic Sea conditions. August 20th - 21st. 2009. Tallinn. Estonia. Solicited oral presentation. (presentation pdf file)

9. Kowalczuk P.. W. J. Cooper. M. J. Durako. A. E. Kahn and M. Gonsior. 2009. Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter Fluorescence in the South Atlantic Bight with Use of a PARAFAC Model. 4th Workshop Remote Sensing of the Coastal Zone Coasts and Climate Conflicts". in the framework of the 29th EARSeL Symposium. 18-20 June 2009. Chania (Crete). Greece. Oral presentation.

10. Grzybowski W.. and P. Kowalczuk. 2009. Effects of phototransformation of Dissolved Organic Matter on its susceptibility to bacterial mineralization. EGU General Assembly 2009. 19 - 24 April. Vienna. Austria. Poster presentation. (abstract pdf file)

11. Kowalczuk P.. 2007. The decade of observations of optical properties of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in the Baltic Sea. EGU General Assembly 2007. 15 - 20 April. Vienna. Austria. Solicited oral presentation. (abstract pdf file)

12. Kowalczuk P..Stedmon C.A.. Markager S.. 2005. Modeling of CDOM optical properties in the Baltic Sea using multivariable regression approach. 3rd Workshop on Remote sensing and bio-optical modelling of the Baltic Sea. 18-19 May 2005. Gdansk. Poland. Oral presentation.

13. Woods W. L. Kowalczuk P.. Stumpf R. P.. Durako M. J.. Cooper W. J.. Wells D. H.. Souza J.. 2004. Ocean Color Remote Sensing in Southeastern U.S. coastal waters and evaluation of atmospheric correction improvements to radiometric match-ups. Ocean Optics XVII Conference. Fremantle. Australia. 25-29 October 2004. Poster presentation.

14. Kowalczuk P.. Stoń J.. Cooper W. J.. Whitehead R. F.. Durako M. J. 2003. Characterization of CDOM in the Baltic Sea by Fluorescence Excitation Emission Matrix spectra. 2nd International Workshop: Remote Sensing and bio-optical modelling of the Baltic Sea. Helsinki. Finland 28-29. September 2003. Oral presentation.

15. Cooper. W J.; G. B. Avery; M. J. Durako; R. J. Kieber. P. Kowalczuk. S. A. Skrabal. R. F. Whitehead. J. D. Willey. 2002. Characterization of CDOM in an organic rich river and surrounding coastal ocean. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Summer Meeting 2002. Inter-disciplinary Linkages in Aquatic Sciences and Beyond. June 10-14. 2002. Victoria. British Columbia. Canada. Oral presentation.

16. Moss M. K.. F. Bingham. L. Cahoon. W. Cooper. M. Durako. T. Lankford. L. Leonard. M. Mallin. M. Posey. P. Kowalczuk. L. Pietrafesa. A. Spivack. 2002. Coastal Ocean Research and Monitoring Program at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. 2002. Ocean Sciences Meeting. American Geophysical Union and American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. 11-15 February 2002. Honolulu. Hawaii. USA. Poster presentation.

17. Kaczmarek S.. R. Hapter. P. Kowalczuk. J. Stoń. 2001. The main components of light absorption and attenuation processes in Baltic Sea waters. Workshop on Bio-optical modelling and remote sensing of the Baltic Sea. Stockholm University. Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology. 29 - 30 November 2001. Stockholm. Sweden. Poster presentation.

18. Kowalczuk P.. J. Olszewski. 2001. Empirical relationship between yellow substance absorption and apparent optical properties in Baltic Sea waters. Workshop on Bio-optical modelling and remote sensing of the Baltic Sea. Stockholm University. Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology. 29 - 30 November 2001. Stockholm. Sweden. Poster presentation.

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