My Research
I work since 1983 in Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot, Poland.In years 1992-2000 I was the head of the Lidar Laboratory. Since January 2002, after returning from one year spent working in Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD (San Diego, CA), I have been the leader of Air-Sea Interaction Laboratory.
Research topics:
- Lidar research:
- studies of marine aerosol with multifrequency lidar system (ship and shore experiments, theoretical work on the inverse lidar problem).
- surface chlorophyll measurements with a fluorescence lidar.
- studies on utilization of a lidar system for remote measurements of oil film thickness.
- Monte-Carlo modelling of in-water light-fields to:
- studies of instrumentation effects on measured values of radiation and irradiation.
- studies of the theory of measurement of inherent optical properties of sea water and its components.
- work on developing a spectral model of light energy utilization by various components of sea-water for remote sensing studies of the Baltic.
- Air-sea interaction
- studies of bubble clouds produced by breaking waves
- studies of mass, energy, momentum and radiation fluxes across the sea surface
Scientific degrees:
- M.Sc., Experimental Physics, University of Gdansk, Poland, 1983.
- Ph.D., Earth Science (Atmospherics Physics), Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 1992.
- D. Sc.(in Polish: doktor habilitowany), Earth Science, Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, 2005.
Mother tongue: Polish
Other languages:- English (read, understand spoken, speak, write)
- Russian (read, understand spoken, speak, write)
- German (read, understand spoken, speak)
Major scientific conferences I attended:
- Aerospace and Remote Sensing, SPIE, April 14-16 1993, Orlando, Florida.
- High Latitude Optics, SPIE, June 28 - July 2 1993, Tromso, Norway.
- European Aerosol Conference, October 4-10 1993, Duisburg, Germany.
- Optical Engineering in Aerospace Sensing, SPIE, April 4-8 1994, Orlando, Florida.
- Ocean Optics XII, SPIE, June 13-15 1994, Bergen, Norway.
- Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, ERIM, March 17-19 1997, Orlando, Florida.
- 1998 Ocean Science Meeting, AGU, February 9-13 1998, San Diego, California.
- Ocean Optics XIV, November 10-13 1998, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.
- Ocean Optics XV, October 16-20 2000, Monte-Carlo, Monaco.
- Ocean Optics XVI, November 18-22 2002, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Towards Universal Sea Spray Procuction Function, May 11-13, Skipton, UK
Scholarchips and international experience:
- DAAD scholarship, 1991-92, GKSS Research Center, Geesthacht, Germany.
- ONR Europe grant for a 1-month visit at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, San Diego, California, February 1998.
- Visiting Researcher, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, October 1998 - January 1999 (supported by grants from Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Oregon State University) and January-March 2000 (supported by grants from Scripps Institution of Oceanography)
- Twice (February-December 2001 and September-December 2002) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD working on optical footprint of in-water bubble cloud (funded from an ONR HyCODE program grant)
- Two months (April-June 2003) at RSMAS, University of Miami modelling the response of turbulent in-water layers to a lidar remote sensing (running my Monte Carlo code on 9th and 56th world's most powerfuls computers - supercomputer ranking according to
Major oceanographic cruises and experiments:
- R.V. Oceania (Polish ship), The Arctic Seas (Spitsbergen Bank, Greenland Sea); light attenuation; three cruises in 1987, 1988 and 1989, 7-8 weeks each.
- R.V. Arnold Veimar (Estonian/Soviet ship), Baltic and North Sea; lidar research of chlorophyll distribution; 4 weeks, 1989.
- BAEX international experiment (EU funded); Baltic shore of Poland; lidar research of aerosol concentration; two experiments in 1983, 1984, 2 weeks each.
- EOPACE aerosol experiment; Duck, North Carolina; lidar research of aerosol concentration; 3 weeks, March 1999.
- More than 30 short (7-10 days) cruises within the Polish Economic Exclusion Zone in the southern Baltic, R.V. Oceania, 1986-1999; apparent and inherent optical properties of the sea, lidar research of chlorophyll concentration and surface oil pollution.
A list of my Recent Papers
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Jacek Piskozub <>, Last updated: February 27, 2006