For complete and most up to date lists, please see our ResearchGate profiles: Maciej Telszewski, Artur Palacz.
- Yang, C., Cagnazzo, C., Artale, V., Buongiorno Nardelli, B., Buontempo, C., Busatto, J., Caporaso, L., Cesarini, C., Cionni, I., Coll, J., Crezee, B., Cristofanelli, P., de Toma, V., Essa, Y. H., Eyring, V., Fierli, F., Grant, L., Hassler, B., Hirschi, M., Huybrechts, P., Le Merle, E., Leonelli, F. E., Lin, X., Madonna, F., Mason, E., Massonnet, F., Marcos, M., Marullo, S., Müller, B., Obregon, A., Organelli, E., Palacz, A., Pascual, A., Pisano, A., Putero, D., Rana, A., Sánchez-Román, A., Seneviratne, S. I., Serva, F., Storto, A., Thiery, W., Throne, P., Van Tricht, L., Verhaegen, Y., Volpe, G., & Santoleri, R. (2022). Independent Quality Assessment of Essential Climate Variables: Lessons Learned from the Copernicus Climate Change Service, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(9), E2032-E2049. doi:
- Acevedo-Trejos E, Cadier M, Chakraborty S, Chen B, Cheung SY, Grigoratou M, Guill C, Hassenrück C, Kerimoglu O, Klauschies T, Lindemann C, Palacz A, Ryabov A, Scotti M, Smith SL, Våge S and Prowe F (2022) Modelling approaches for capturing plankton diversity (MODIV), their societal applications and data needs. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:975414. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.975414
- Karstensen, J., W. Rickels, P. Testor, and M. Telszewski. 2021. Valuing the ocean carbon sink in light of national climate action plans. Pp. 50–51 in Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Documenting Ecosystems, Understanding Environmental Changes, Forecasting Hazards. E.S. Kappel, S.K. Juniper, S. Seeyave, E. Smith, and M. Visbeck, eds, A Supplement to Oceanography 34(4),
- Grégoire M, Garçon V, Garcia H, Breitburg D, Isensee K, Oschlies A, Telszewski M, Barth A, Bittig HC, Carstensen J, Carval T, Chai F, Chavez F, Conley D, Coppola L, Crowe S, Currie K, Dai M, Deflandre B, Dewitte B, Diaz R, Garcia-Robledo E, Gilbert D, Giorgetti A, Glud R, Gutierrez D, Hosoda S, Ishii M, Jacinto G, Langdon C, Lauvset SK, Levin LA, Limburg KE, Mehrtens H, Montes I, Naqvi W, Paulmier A, Pfeil B, Pitcher G, Pouliquen S, Rabalais N, Rabouille C, Recape V, Roman M, Rose K, Rudnick D, Rummer J, Schmechtig C, Schmidtko S, Seibel B, Slomp C, Sumalia UR, Tanhua T, Thierry V, Uchida H, Wanninkhof R and Yasuhara M (2021) A Global Ocean Oxygen Database and Atlas for Assessing and Predicting Deoxygenation and Ocean Health in the Open and Coastal Ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:724913. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.724913.
- Toste Tanhua, Siv K. Lauvset, Nico Lange, Are Olsen, Marta Álvarez, Stephen Diggs, Henry C. Bittig, Peter J. Brown, Brendan R. Carter, Leticia Cotrim da Cunha, Richard A. Feely, Mario Hoppema, Masao Ishii, Emil Jeansson, Alex Kozyr, Akihiko Murata, Fiz F. Pérez, Benjamin Pfeil, Carsten Schirnick, Reiner Steinfeldt, Maciej Telszewski, Bronte Tilbrook, Anton Velo, Rik Wanninkhof, Eugene Burger, Kevin O’Brien & Robert M. Key. A vision for FAIR ocean data products. Commun Earth Environ 2, 136 (2021).
- Palacz, A. P., M. Telszewski, G. Rehder, and H. C. Bittig (2019), Training the next generation of marine biogeochemists, Eos, 100, Published on 06 November 2019.
- Olsen, A., Lange, N., Key, R. M., Tanhua, T., Álvarez, M., Becker, S., Bittig, H. C., Carter, B. R., Cotrim da Cunha, L., Feely, R. A., van Heuven, S., Hoppema, M., Ishii, M., Jeansson, E., Jones, S. D., Jutterström, S., Karlsen, M. K., Kozyr, A., Lauvset, S. K., Lo Monaco, C., Murata, A., Pérez, F. F., Pfeil, B., Schirnick, C., Steinfeldt, R., Suzuki, T., Telszewski, M., Tilbrook, B., Velo, A., and Wanninkhof, R.: GLODAPv2.2019 – an update of GLODAPv2, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 11, 1437–1461,, 2019.
- Garçon V, Karstensen J, Palacz A, Telszewski M, Aparco Lara T, Breitburg D, Chavez F, Coelho P, Cornejo M, Dos Santos C, Fiedler B, Gallo N, Grégoire M, Gutierrez D, Hernandez-Ayon M, Isensee K, Koslow T, Levin L, Marsac F, Maske H, Mbaye BC, Montes I, Naqvi W, Pearlman J, Pinto E, Pitcher G, Pizarro O, Rose K, Shenoy D, Van der Plas A, Vito MR and Weng K (2019) Multidisciplinary Observing in the World Ocean’s Oxygen Minimum Zone Regions: From Climate to Fish—The VOICE Initiative. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:722. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00722
- Pearlman J, Bushnell M, Coppola L, Karstensen J, Buttigieg PL, Pearlman F, Simpson P, Barbier M, Muller-Karger FE, Munoz-Mas C, Pissierssens P, Chandler C, Hermes J, Heslop E, Jenkyns R, Achterberg EP, Bensi M, Bittig HC, Blandin J, Bosch J, Bourles B, Bozzano R, Buck JJH, Burger EF, Cano D, Cardin V, Llorens MC, Cianca A, Chen H, Cusack C, Delory E, Garello R, Giovanetti G, Harscoat V, Hartman S, Heitsenrether R, Jirka S, Lara-Lopez A, Lantéri N, Leadbetter A, Manzella G, Maso J, McCurdy A, Moussat E, Ntoumas M, Pensieri S, Petihakis G, Pinardi N, Pouliquen S, Przeslawski R, Roden NP, Silke J, Tamburri MN, Tang H, Tanhua T, Telszewski M, Testor P, Thomas J, Waldmann C and Whoriskey F (2019) Evolving and Sustaining Ocean Best Practices and Standards for the Next Decade. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:277. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00277
- Tilbrook B, Jewett EB, DeGrandpre MD, Hernandez-Ayon JM, Feely RA, Gledhill DK, Hansson L, Isensee K, Kurz ML, Newton JA, Siedlecki SA, Chai F, Dupont S, Graco M, Calvo E, Greeley D, Kapsenberg L, Lebrec M, Pelejero C, Schoo KL and Telszewski M (2019) An Enhanced Ocean Acidification Observing Network: From People to Technology to Data Synthesis and Information Exchange. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:337. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00337
- Tanhua T, McCurdy A, Fischer A, Appeltans W, Bax N, Currie K, DeYoung B, Dunn D, Heslop E, Glover LK, Gunn J, Hill K, Ishii M, Legler D, Lindstrom E, Miloslavich P, Moltmann T, Nolan G, Palacz A, Simmons S, Sloyan B, Smith LM, Smith N, Telszewski M, Visbeck M and Wilkin J (2019) What We Have Learned From the Framework for Ocean Observing: Evolution of the Global Ocean Observing System. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:471. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00471
- Wanninkhof R, Pickers PA, Omar AM, Sutton A, Murata A, Olsen A, Stephens BB, Tilbrook B, Munro D, Pierrot D, Rehder G, Santana-Casiano JM, Müller JD, Trinanes J, Tedesco K, O’Brien K, Currie K, Barbero L, Telszewski M, Hoppema M, Ishii M, González-Dávila M, Bates NR, Metzl N, Suntharalingam P, Feely RA, Nakaoka S-i, Lauvset SK, Takahashi T, Steinhoff T and Schuster U (2019) A Surface Ocean CO2 Reference Network, SOCONET and Associated Marine Boundary Layer CO2 Measurements. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:400. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00400
- Breitburg, D., Levin, L. A., Oschlies, A., Grégoire, M., Chavez, F. P., Conley, D. J., ..., Telszewski, M, …, & Jacinto, G. S. (2018). Declining oxygen in the global ocean and coastal waters. Science, 359(6371), eaam7240.
- Nielsen JR, Thunberg E, Holland DS, ..., Palacz AP, et al. Integrated ecological–economic fisheries models—Evaluation, review and challenges for implementation. Fish & Fisheries. 2017;00:1–29.
- Palacz AP, Pearlman J, Simmons S, Hill K, Miloslavich P, Telszewski M, Sloyan B, Pearlman F, Bourassa M (2017). Report of the workshop on the Implementation of Multi-disciplinary Sustained Ocean Observations (IMSOO). Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Report No. 223,
- Palacz AP, Telszewski M, Garçon V, Karstensen J. (2017). Report of the Variability in the Oxycline and Its Impacts on the Ecosystem (VOICE) Science Plan Workshop. GOOS Report No. 224.
- Lorenzoni, L., M. Telszewski, H. Benway, A. P. Palacz (Eds.), 2017. A user’s guide for selected autonomous biogeochemical sensors. An outcome from the 1st IOCCP International Sensors Summer Course. IOCCP Report No. 2/2017, 83 pp.
- AP Palacz, JR Nielesen, A Hoff, A Christensen, M Maar, et al., 2016. An Integrated End-To-End Modeling Framework for Testing Ecosystem-Wide Effects of Human-Induced Pressures in the Western Baltic Sea region, PLOS One (to be submitted).
- D Krekoukiotis, AP Palacz, MA St. John, 2016. A Pragmatic Approach to Modeling Baltic Cod Recruitment as a Complex Adaptive System Emergent Property, Frontiers in Marine Science (accepted).
- Brown, P. J., L. Jullion, P. Landschützer, D. C. E. Bakker, A. C. Naveira Garabato, M. P. Meredith, S. Torres-Valdés, A. J. Watson, M. Hoppema, B. Loose, E. M. Jones, M. Telszewski, S. D. Jones, and R. Wanninkhof, 2015. Carbon dynamics of the Weddell Gyre, Southern Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29, 288–306. doi: 10.1002/2014GB005006.
- KH Andersen, T Berge, R Goncalves, M Hartvig, J Heuschele, S Hylander, NS Jacobsen, C Lindemann, EA Martens, A Neuheimer, K Olsson, AP Palacz, F Prowe, J Sainmont, SJ Traving, A Visser, N Wadhwa, and T Kiørboe, 2015. Characteristic sizes of life in the oceans, from bacteria to whales, Annual Review of Marine Science 8, pp. 1941-1405, doi: 10.1146/annurev-marine-122414-034144.
- S Yasunaka, Y Nojiri, S Nakaoka, T Ono, FA Whitney, M Telszewski, 2014. Mapping of sea surface nutrients in the North Pacific: Basin-wide distribution and seasonal to interannual variability, Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 119(11), 7756-7771, doi: 10.1002/2014JC010318.
- DCE Bakker, ..., M Telszewski, et al., 2014. An update to the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT version 2),Earth System Science Data, 6, 69-90, doi: 10.5194/essd-6-69-2014.
- J Zeng, Y Nojiri, P Landschützer, M Telszewski, S Nakaoka, 2014. A global surface ocean fCO2 climatology based on a feed-forward neural network, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 31, 1838-1849, doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-13-00137.1.
- M Ishii, ..., M. Telszewski, et al., 2014. Air-sea CO2 flux in the Pacific Ocean for the period 1990-2009’, Biogeosciences 11, 709-734, doi: 10.5194/bg-11-709-2014.
- S Nakaoka, M. Telszewski, Y Nojiri, S Yasunaka, C Miyazaki, H Mukai, N Usui, 2013. Estimating temporal and spatial variation of ocean surface pCO2 in the North Pacific using a self-organizing map neural network technique, Biogeosciences 10, 6093-6106, doi: 10.5194/bg-10-6093-2013.
- CL Sabine, ..., M. Telszewski, et al., 2013. Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) gridded data products, Earth System Science Data 5, 145-153, doi: 10.5194/essd-5-145-2013.
- B Pfeil, ..., M. Telszewski, et al., 2013. A uniform, quality controlled Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT), Earth System Science Data 5, 125-143, doi: 10.5194/essd-5-125-2013.
- AP Palacz, MA St. John, R Brewin, T Hirata, WW Gregg, 2013. Distribution of phytoplankton functional types in high-nitrate low-chlorophyll waters in a new diagnostic ecological indicator model, Biogeosciences, 10, 7553-7574, doi:10.5194/bg-10-7553-2013.
- V Valsala, S Maksyutov, M. Telszewski, S Nakaoka, Y Nojiri, M Ikeda, R Murtugudde, 2012. Climate impacts on the structures of the North Pacific air-sea CO2 flux variability, Biogeosciences, 9, 477-492.
- AP Palacz, F Chai, 2012. Spatial and temporal variability in nutrients and carbon uptake during 2004 and 2005 in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean, Biogeosciences, 9, 701–744, doi:10.5194/bg-9-4369-2012.
- AP Palacz, 2012. Advancing ocean management in the North Atlantic with Integrated Ecosystem Assessments and neural networks: What is the potential of using coupled NPZD model and satellite-derived GES time series? Internal Report, Technical University of Denmark.
- AP Palacz, H Xue, C Armbrecht, C Zhang, F Chai, 2011. Long-term changes in surface chlorophyll distribution in the South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116 CO9015, 1-12, doi:10.1029/2011JC007064.
- X Peng, AP Palacz, F Chai, E Roy, ML Wells, 2011. Iron flux induced by Haida eddies in the Gulf of Alaska, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L13607, 1-5, doi:10.1029/2011GL047946.
- AP Palacz, F Chai, CI Measures and RC Dugdale, 2011. Estimating iron and aluminum removal rates in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean using a box model approach. Deep-Sea Research II – Topical Studies in Oceanography 58 (3-4), 311-324, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.08.012.
- PG Strutton, AP Palacz, F Chai, RC Dugdale, A Marchi, V Hogue, A Parker and FP Wilkerson, 2011. The impact of equatorial pacific tropical instability waves on hydrography and nutrients: 2004-2005. Deep Sea Research II – Topical Studies in Oceanography 58 (3-4), 284-295, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.08.015.
- M. Telszewski, A Chazottes, U Schuster, AJ Watson, C Moulin, DCE Bakker., M González-Dávila, T Johannessen, A Körtzinger, H Lüger, A Olsen, A Omar, XA Padin, A Ríos, T Steinhoff, M Santana-Casiano, DWR Wallace, R Wanninkhof, 2009. Estimating the monthly pCO2 distribution in the North Atlantic using a self-organizing neural network, Biogeosciences, 6 (8), 1405-1421.
- AJ Watson, ... , M. Telszewski, et al., 2009. Tracking the variable North Atlantic sink for atmospheric CO2, Science, 326 (5958),1391-1393.
- IM Brooks, …, M. Telszewski, et al., 2009. Physical Exchanges at the Air-Sea Interface: Field Measurements from UK-SOLAS, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90(5), 629-644. doi: 10.1175/2008BAMS2578.1.
- B Grigholm, D Dixon, E Korotkikh, N Spaulding, AP Palacz, M Potocki, L Brothers, K Maasch, P Mayewski, 2008. An Introduction to Global Climate Change. CCI21 Conference, University of Maine, Orono, Maine, USA.
- AP Palacz, C Maier, 2006. Flume tank experiments on feeding behaviour of the deep-water coral Lophelia pertusa. Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas (HERMES)