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LIPA Numer 11 Lipiec 15, 1995

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Lista Polskich Atmosferykow i Sympatykow

LIPA w hypertekscie: mosaic

Od edytora (

Dzis znowu wspaniale inicjatywy Lipian: NATO do Polski - propozycja od Sorbjana; i propozycje od Parfiniewicza.

Przypuszczam ze BALTEXem beda zainteresowani oceanolodzy !?


(Zbigniew Sorbjan;

Wystapilem ostatnio z inicjatywa do "NATO International Scientific Exchange Programmes" dotyczaca organizacji w Polsce "Advanced Study Institute" na temat "MESOSCALE DATA ASSIMILATION AD FORECASTING". Inicjatywa ta zwiazana jest z budowa w polsce sieci radarow Doplerowskich.Odpowiedz z Brukseli ma nadejsc w grudniu 1995. Oto kilka szczegolow tego przedsiewziecia:

W uzasadnieniu napisalem:
The subject of the proposed Institute is assimilation of remotely sensed data for a short range numerical weather prediction. The choice of the subject is motivated by practical demands of accurate small scale weather forecasting and also by latest developments in the remote sensing, data assimilation, computational fluid dynamics, and computer hardware. During the past few decades, short and medium-range forecast of global and synoptic weather systems have improved considerably. This has been accomplished largely due to improvements in prediction models and the capacity of computers they run on. Horizontal grid resolution of 50 km is soon expected to be a reality in operational models. Consequently, further advancements in prediction on these scales are anticipated. The practical predictions, however, of events on smaller scales (<50 km) has been much slower to evolve, mostly due to: the unavailability of data on these scales, the absence of computers having sufficient capacity and speed to resolve relevant events, and finally due to insufficient understanding of issues relating to predictability on small scales. As a result, most numerical modeling work on mesoscale processes has been directed toward simulating rather than predicting of observed events, with an overall goal of improving our understanding of their characteristics. Recent developments in remote sensing techniques, data assimilation methods, computational fluid dynamics, and computer architectures provide basis for solving many of the problems cited above. All these issues will be addressed during the course.
The course would be presented in a form of lectures in four major fields: (i) remote sensing, (ii) data assimilation, (iii) numerical methods and (iv) parameterization of meteorological and hydrological processes in micro- and meso-scale models. Our intention is to have this course held in Poland during 13 days early summer 1996. We believe that the choice of the site is hoped to contribute to the enhancing of interest in these important scientific subjects in the former Eastern Block countries. The Institute would be organized under the auspices of the NATO Advanced Study Institute with a partial support of Institute of Meteorology and Water Management in Warsaw Poland.

BALTEX i doppler (Jan Parfiniewicz;

Drogi Redaktorze Lipy, bede wdzieczny za zamieszczenie w Lipie ponizszych ofert wspolpracy

(co i czynie z przyjemnoscia, PJF).

Co to jest BALTEX

Istnieje grupa inicjatywna Hydrologow, planujaca zgloszenie do KBNu duzego programu badawczego nawiazujacego do BALTEXu (podprojekt GEWEXu). Poproszono mnie o zebranie ewentualnych propozycji wspolpracy ze strony meteorologow i hydro-meteorologow, szczegolnie w zakresie modelowania. W odroznieniu od tzw. dzialanosci operacyjnej ten projekt ma szanse uzyskac znaczne srodki finansowe, glownie, dzieki sile przebicia lobby "wodnego". Ponizej krotki opis BALTEXu, wziety z : BALTEX Initial Implementation Plan, March 1995.

Baltex.."an experiment to study the hydrological and energy exchange processes for the Baltic Sea and its drainage region...The principle scientific objectives of are :

Organization of BALTEX research

D:, E:, F:, G: ..fields experiments

Radar Doplerowski

2) Retrieval of wind,temperature and pressure from single Doppler Radar Poszukuje sie kompetentej i odpowiedzialnej osoby do pracy nad w/w zagadnieniem.

Pogoda juz

3) Very - Short therm (0 -6 h) weather forecast (System operacyjny dla Polski)

Poszukuje sie entuzjaste szalenca (-ow) do wspolpracy

W przypadku zainteresowania jedna z trzech w/w propozycji bede wdzieczny za kontakt ze mna : Jan Pafiniewicz

Co to jest GEWEX

The Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) was initiated in 1988 by the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) to observe and model the hydrologic cycle and energy fluxes in the atmosphere, at the land surface, and in the upper oceans. GEWEX is an integrated program of research, observations, and science activities ultimately leading to the prediction of global and regional climate change. The International GEWEX Project Office (IGPO) is the focal point for the planning and implementation of all GEWEX Projects and activities.

Listy do redakcji

Czyta nas Przeglad Geofizyczny (

Czesc Piotrze

Dolacz do listy adresowej LIPY adres: amagnus@plearn.bitnet (albo To jest redakcja Przegladu Geofizycznego. Sa zainteresowani. Jezeli masz archiwalne numery w komputerze to im wyslij. Pozdrowienia

(Od PJF: dodalem do listy. A propos - wszystkie numery archiwalne Lipy dostepne sa w Sopot dzieki starannosci i wysilkom Piskozuba. URL - czyli universal resource locator do Sopot Mozna wydrukowac Lipe w postscrypcie, ASCII, itp)

From: "Ryszard Balcer" (

W-wa,4.07br. Piotrze! Odebralem Lipe10. Nie przypuszczalem ze puscisz informacje w szeroki obieg. Troche smiesza mnie teraz moje uwagi o wlasnych wykladach no ale nic zlego sie nie stalo. Pozdrowienia Ryszard B.

(Od PJF: przepraszam ale informacja byla ciekawa - o nowym wydziale Fizyki Srodowiska. A i ostrzegam Lipian, ze to (sluszny) precedens. Chyba mnie ten Rysiek teraz zabije. Ale jezeli zaznaczycie, ze "nie do druku" to oczywiscie bede trzymal e-mail za zebami)