Working plan
Work packages
WP2: Limnetic Fauna
Leader: Dr. Martin-A. Svenning (NINA)
- to analyse body size, cell size (when possible) and genome size in representative populations and sub-populations
(Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and macrocrustaceans Lepidurus arcticus, Mysis relicta and Gammarachanthus loricatus)
on Svalbard for comparison with selected populations on mainland Norway to obtain a maximum thermal gradient (as a “space-for-time” analogue of temperature effects)
- to compare the size distributions in migratory and stationary populations of Arctic charr (to test for the role of size vs temperature also on cell- and genome size)
- to perform experiments with one or two of the three invertebrates raised under two different temperature regimes, and analysed for the same parameters
- to perform deep-sequencing on populations with contrasting cell- or genome size to reveal the underlying drivers for genome expansion or reduction.
Gammarachantus loricatus
resident Svalbard Arctic charr
anadromous Arctic charr male and female